Sunday, November 4, 2018

February 1988

1 Feb 1988 Monday-
After work I had to get ready for the AIDS Quilt meeting. Bruce Harmon brought a set agenda and kept the meeting brief. We voted ourselves as the Board of Directors tonight with Bruce Harmon as Chair, Rocky O'Donovan as Clerk, and Denny McCafferty as Secretary/Treasurer.  Other members of the board included Barbara Stockton, John Bennett, Ben Barr, Chuck Whyte and Ralph K. Placer and myself. 
Rev. Bruce Barton sat in on the meeting but chose not to serve on the board since he is so over committed.  Bruce Harmon developed a flow chart to determine the specific expertise that the committee needs. We also discussed Gay Night at the Water Slide.  Terrie Thompson didn’t show up so I said I would go to Ogden on Wednesday to pick up the tickets.  If Terrie doesn’t have tickets for us we will make our own.
Chuck Whyte found out that a Post Office Box downtown will cost $11 and Denny McCafferty said he would cover the cost. Rocky O'Donovan donated a buck. I told the committee that Mark Lamar is working on the non-profit incorporation papers. I also suggested also that we get an entrance form for the Days of 47 Parade for the AIDS Quilt. Even if they turn us down it will still be great publicity..
Ralph Place showed the logo for the AIDS Quilt and is going to have buttons made to sell.  So we are on a roll.  Our next meeting is next Monday and I have to have a statement of purpose written by then.
After the meeting ended at 7,  Rev. Bruce Barton, Bruce Harmon, Barbara Stockton and I rushed over to Satu Servigna’s place for a monthly Triangle Staff meeting. My feature columns will have to be in to Brook Hallock, the feature editor by the 10th and my news articles have to be in by the 15th and given to Ralph Goff.  I also took a box of Triangle magazines to distribute at KRCL and at Unconditional Support.
I was home by 9 so I called John Reeves to visit. He said that he's had some positive experiences happen to him today. Plus he met with someone who asked him to talk in a March forum on Homosexual Rights . Plus he met with a couple of guys from the Utah Valley’s Men Group. We didn't get to talk as much as I wanted as he had to go to bed. I did ask him to write occasionally for the Triangle Magazine. It was a busy day and I have a lot to do this week. 

2 February 1988 Tuesday-
 It's my cousin Gregory Williams' 26th birthday had he lived. At work Bob Elcock and Donna are leaving on a cruise so they will be gone for two weeks. Wonderful.
After work I went to KRCL on 7th South and dropped off about 100 copies of the Triangle.
At Unconditional Support tonight it was a different kind of crowd. Younger crowd. Kind of a “Do me group”. I gave a lesson on the Stonewall Rebellion and I was so surprised by how the majority of the group had never heard of it. It will my personal crusade to make sure the Gay community of Utah knows what Stonewall means.
After the meeting some of us went to Dee’s on 4th South for coffee. I saw Neil Hoyt tonight who attends the Utah Valley Men’s Group down in Orem. We firmed up our date for Friday.  John Reeves said he would go with me to Ogden tomorrow to pick up the Waterslide tickets.

3 February 1988 Wednesday-
I talked to Terrie Thompson today about the tickets for the Waterslide event. She said they will be ready tomorrow so I didn't have to go up to Ogden after all.
During my lunch break, I listened to KRCL’s Concerning Gays and Lesbians program. John Gatzmeyer spoke on “Owning Our Own Power”. John teaches  empowerment classes at Holy Cross Hospital using meditation and supportive methods structured after Louise Hay’s book “You Can Heal Your Life”. 
Anyway, Mark Lamar called me about the tasks I had assigned to him about calling the Forest Service for a summer retreat, calling Bryant Intermediate school about holding dances there, calling the bars about ticket distributions, and picking up a nonprofit status form for the AIDS Quilt project.
He said he called the forest service and found out that we needed a permit to hold a Fairy Gathering. He also called Bryant Intermediate School about holding dances there but the cost was too prohibitive. He called the bars to ask them to sell tickets to the Water Slide fund raiser and he picked up the forms the AIDS Quilt board needs to become a nonprofit organization. He also said that he called Beau Chaine about the Gay Help Line and that he was discouraged by the way Beau is handling calls.
John Reeves called me and said that he talked to the dean of Student Affairs at the Utah Valley Community College where he teaches and the mechanics are in motion to let the Utah Valley Men’s Group meet there. This is the beginning of something big in Utah County. The first cracks in the monolithic Mormon strangle hold on the Gays and Lesbians of Utah County. 
 In the evening I went to the downtown library to do some research on King Edward II for an article and while there I met someone cruising the 3rd floor men's room. The sex was great.

4 February 1988 Thursday-
It's been two years since I came out of the closet.
I think I've adopted a cat. Yesterday this cute tiger gray kitten started meowing outside my basement apartment widow. So I let it in and fed him a little milk because he was hungry. I then put him back outside. However this morning I saw him outside my bedroom window, sitting in the snow. I brought him inside and he's been with me since.
I've named him Billy because just like Billy Bikowski, he just appeared one day on my doorstep wanting to be fed and taken care of. As I am writing this, the kitten is being such a nuisance.
When I came home from work during my morning break, I began to pet him and I suddenly I started to cry remembering my dogs Sam and Toby and the cats Killer, Baby, and Jack. I think having Billy Cat here will be good therapy for me to start healing from the loss of Sam and Toby. I am always afraid to become too attached to something that I might lose.
Anyway, I went to the Gay and Lesbian Community Council tonight. We agreed to sponsor a Romanovski and Phillips Concert, and to buy a case of peanut butter and a case of tuna for Chuck Whyte’s can food drive. It was a good turnout tonight, without the “activists” clouding our issues and objecting to everything not sponsored by them. We had 40 in attendance. 
AIDS was the predominant theme including the need for increased safer sex education and awareness in Utah. We also discussed the Gay and Lesbian Concerns Subcommittee of the Health Department’s AIDS Advisory Committee, and AIDS legislation that is before the state legislature. The council agreed to construct 4 more AIDS information boxes to be stocked with AIDS brochures and installed in Gay and Lesbian establishments.  The council has now three subcommittees: The Anti-Violence Project chaired by Lyle Bradley, The AIDS committee chaired by David Sharpton, and Gay Pride Day ’88 committee chaired by Floyd Gamble.  

5 February 1988-Friday-
Well this cat is very much like Billy Bikowski. I fed him, took him in, let him sleep with me and then he goes and pisses on me. So I put him out the front room window and changed the sheets on my bed.
Anyway after work I got ready for my date with Neal Hoyt. Before he came over, I called Dan Fahndrich to tell him about having to get his article for Concerning gays and Lesbian in to the Triangle by the 13th. However Dan wasn't home and I was surprised when Billy Bikowski answered the phone. We talked briefly. He said he wanted to get together with me to talk. I said that would be nice but I didn't set a date fearing I'd be disappointed.
Neal came by at 7:30 and the show started at 8. I love "Lion In Winter" and enjoyed seeing it as a play at the new location of Theater 138 on Highland. I knew by heart most of the dialog. I paid for the tickets since Neal drove all the way up from Orem and after all I did ask him out. His brother was at the show with a girl and that freaked him out some.
Anyway the play was over at 10:30 and after taking me home, I had him come in to visit for about an hour. I wanted to kiss him but he informed me out of the blue that sex doesn't mean that much to him and that  he doesn't have it anymore. He said he just likes to cuddle.
I thought, "Geez". I mean I don't have to just have sex either, but I won't go through another romance without kisses. For me it's too painful.
Mark Lamar called me about having found a location for our dances. We can have them at the Central City Community Center for $45 for three hours from 8 in the evening to 11 at night. I need to talk with Chris Brown of The Lesbian and Gay Student Union  and Dave Malmstrom of Affirmation before confirming it.
I have a lot to do tomorrow. So I better go to bed. I've forgiven Billy Cat. He's back inside with me. If I do keep him I will have to get him neutered.

6 February 1988 Saturday-
I worked most of the day on my history article for the Triangle. I am writing about King Edward II and his lover Piers Gaveston both who were murdered for being Gay.
In the evening Steve Brackenbury of Gay Fathers wanted to get a bunch together because it was his birthday and he wanted us to go bar hopping. He’s 25 years old now. So Mike Anderson, Mark Lamar, Brent Fotheringham, Dan Fahndrich, John Reeves, Steve and I went to the In-between bar first. I wanted to meet with Bruce Harmon and Chuck Whyte to hand out flyers for the water slide.
There at the In-between, Donny Eastepp, the co-owner, pulled me aside and gave me a royal rimming which pissed me off for the rest of the evening. He complained how I went on and on in January’s Community Council’s meeting, implying that I was monopolizing it.  That hurt because it really isn’t fair. He said that people think I am too opinionated.
 I told him in my defense that my only motivation is to see a strong, healthy, and vibrant Gay community and if I am involved in a lot, its only because there is a lot to be done! I said I only want to see all organizations strong and healthy and not in competition with each others.  But because he is the Royal Court’s emperor, and he has a lot of influence, I just took a lot of his berating. But I think it’s extremely petty if the only thing people can find to criticize about me, is how involved I am in the community.
 John Reeves later said that I probably got chewed out because I represent a threat to the bars and the Royal Court and that there is a power shift away from the bar scene towards support and social groups.  Perhaps. Or maybe Donny Eastepp was just drunk. 
He did sell $80 worth of tickets for the Newgate Water slide even though he was ragging on me that it will never work.  I said if we have fifty people we will be successful. Hell even if we have only 25. We aren’t here to make money off of this, even though it is a fund raiser, but rather to promote within the community the AIDS Quilt Project. 
After leaving the In-Between we went to The Deerhunter on 3rd West and about 7th South. It’s mainly a Gay men's bar. Then we went up the street over to the Lesbian bar Your Place or Mine, which, I heard, are referred to now as "Your Face or Mine".  The Deerhunter is referred to as “the Queer Hunter.”
Tonight  ended up be a night from hell. I was not enjoying myself at all and neither was John Reeves. When I heard the songs "Take My Breath Away" and "It's a Matter of Trust" played, it made me all the more melancholy for Billy Bikowski and just wanted to go home. John Reeves went to the Club 14 bathhouse.
I've taken back Billy Cat inside and now I have to get some kitty litter so the kitten doesn't wet the bed again.

7 February 1988 Sunday
I called Billy Bikowski this morning and asked him to come over for lunch which he did at noon. How do I feel about seeing him again? I love him as much as I ever have. It feels right for him to be here with me.
After eating Sunday dinner, as I began to massage his hand, he broke down into sobs. He cried, "Why don't you just like me? I really hate you for loving me." I just held him in my arms, cradling him and said softly, "And I hate you too. I will always hate you."
We spent the rest of the day just resting in each other's arms and basking in the warmth of the love I have for him. I then took him home to his place up in the Avenues about 5.
After he was gone I thought I was fine but I realize now that I am not. I am heartsick. I can't stand it.
In the evening I went down to KRCL to do a Valentine's program but no one showed up but Beau Chaine. I didn't know what was going on so I finally called Becky Moss. She said that she's been trying to get a hold of me to say Antonia dela Guerra wasn't coming in and that Becky had pulled a ligament in her leg and can't drive. She said that Bobbie Foutz would come in at 8 to engineer the show.
I didn't want to deal with Beau so I just told him he could go home. I waited until 8:15 then left myself, really upset for the waste of my time.
I went back to the Crossroad Urban Center on 4th east to close the building up for Affirmation as I said I would. They were having a pot luck dinner there because the Unitarian Church on 13th east was being used for something else. I stayed there until locking up about 10 because I was the only one who knew the security code and had a key. 

8 February 1988 Monday
After work I went straight home to get ready for the AIDS Quilt meeting. At meeting we talked about getting Norma Matheson, former 1st Lady of Utah, to be a spokesperson for the Quilt. We spent most of the meeting discussing  how to promote the water slide event.  Bruce Harmon has really taken the reins of the group and it’s really getting exciting.
Afterwards  I went up to The Lesbian and Gay Student Union  which was meeting in Orson Spencer Hall where I made an announcement about the water slide event and Mark Lamar registered people there to vote. Tonight’s meeting was about organizing an April Gay Conference at the U.  Chris Brown also discussed the possibility of forming a Gay Alliance at the U and having separate meetings for the women and the men.  The women all want to have separate meetings, feeling their meetings are tainted by the presence of men, even Gay men. They think we are part of the privileged male Patriarchy.  What they don’t realize is that we gave up that privilege by ”Coming Out”. To the patriarchy, we are women. But to some of these Lesbian separatists we Gay men are guilty simply for having a penis.
I saw a cute guy at The Lesbian and Gay Student Union . I think his name is Jeff Woods. After the meeting I just went home dead tired. 

9 February 1988 Tuesday-
At Unconditional Support tonight Ken Francis led the meeting and Dave Reed came and talked to us about financial planning. I thought it was a really good meeting. Scott Anderson looked a little discouraged. I guess Dan Fahndrich have broken up. 
After the meeting was over at 9, I just stayed at the Crossroad Urban center and visited with Mike Anderson and others until about 10 when I had to go meet with Becky Moss at the Blue Mouse Theater on 1st South. She had called me before Unconditional Support and had asked me to help her throw a show together for tomorrow and I said I would. 
Chuck Whyte came along with me down to KRCL, but there we found that we couldn’t use the recording studio until 11:00 so it was after midnight before I got home and 1 in the morning before going to bed. However we managed to pull a program together by using some of Dave Malmstrom’s interview we hadn’t used before, and by reading Valentines over the air. 
I am so exhausted. I’ve got to get my history article on King Edward II to Brook Hallock by tomorrow and Saturday is the dead line for my news articles. I hate all this frigging Triangle deadlines. I feel like I am back in school.

10 February 1988 Wednesday
I just went into work at Utah Title and came home across the street to crash during my breaks. So glad I can just walk to work and come home back to the Juel Apartments so easily.
At work I had a surprised call from Billy Bikowski at 4 in the afternoon. He said he was at an Instant Care Health Clinic. He said he felt something pop inside him while coughing too hard waiting to catch a bus. He said he needed my help. I was so worried that I left work early and went to the clinic in Foothill Boulevard to retrieve him. I say him standing there and looking so cute.
            Anyway the doctor said he pulled some cartilage away from his ribs and he gave him a prescription to help kick out Billy’s bronchitis. So I drove him to the Avenue’s Smith Food king so he could fill his prescription and buy some groceries. I love him so much. I still do but it is hard being with him because nothing has really changed. He doesn’t love me.
            Taking him home, he asked me to come in to see the wooden eagle he is carving. It is so elegant and in so much detail, each quill feather being defines. It was so beautiful it almost made me weep. However I had to leave because being with Billy started to bring back a rush of old unwanted emotions and so I left. I had to be out at Brook Hallock’s place anyway to drop off my article of King Edward II. I also typed up some of the silly predictions that I had read for Concerning Gays and Lesbians and gave them to her. I hate all these frigging Triangle Deadlines. And I am not even being paid.
            I was very despondent today being with Billy. However Billy Cat, I guess he is mine now, is so cute and is finally getting potty trained

11 February 1988-Thursday-
I sent a $25 check and card off to Fran for her birthday tomorrow. Her phone number in Lindon is disconnected  so I don’t have a way to call her and wish her a happy birthday.
Mark Lamar has a phone box now for information on the Gay Bars and Lyle Bradley set up one for the Anti-Violence Project. They went to the same company where I got my phone system for Unconditional Support. I knew it would catch on. Mark Lamar created the  Gay Bar Information Line to tell people where all the bars are located and what events are happening there weekly. Lyle Bradley set up his phone system for people to call the Anti-Violence Project and report bashings. 
Michael Anderson called me and said that some punk kid who works with him was bragging about robbing Gay men and beating them up in Memory Grove. He wants to report it to the Anti-Violence Project but needed a phone number.
At 9 tonight I went down to Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church on 6th East to pick up Chuck Whyte so we could go to Backstreet to try and sell some tickets for the Water Slide Event. I told Chuck I only wanted to stay an hour because I am still worn down from staying up so late last Tuesday taping a show for Concerning Gays and Lesbians. However we didn’t get out of there until nearly 11.  We didn’t sell any tickets but we raised $25 in donations for the AIDS Quilt Project.

12 February 1988 Friday
Today is Fran’s 43rd birthday. Billy Bikowski called me early this morning to say that the medication he was given was kicking in and he’s feeling better.  It was kind of a slow day at work, probably because it being right before a holiday. After getting off work, I came home to get ready for the Waterslide Fundraiser tonight.
            In the mail I received a letter from Mark Brinkhaus giving me his new address and phone number in Chicago. I also called the YMCA about renting their camp at Kamas for a retreat.  They said Camp Rogers has bunk house style cabins and meals would be included at a cost of about $30 per person for two days.  I’m really excited about the possibilities of having it there.  John Reeves is going to call the YMCA next week and go through official channels to see if they would rent to a Gay organization.
            Anyway John Reeves, Mark Lamar, James Connelly, Mike Anderson, and I all went together. We were followed by Ken Francis and his date James Zurkle. We were in South Ogden by 8 in the evening and it was so much fun. Perhaps about 80 people or more were there.  All the organizations had people represented.  Those attending our “all Gay” private party took advantage of the soothing 95 degree water and the two new Wolf tanning beds that were available, and provided needed seed money for the Quilt Project.  Going down the water tubes to me was the most fun besides seeing naked guys in the changing room. I think the AIDS Quilt made about $250 or more off of the event so that was fantastic.  Thanks to the efforts of Terrie Thompson-Ferrio, , Bruce Harmon, Chuck Whyte, and myself.
After the water slide a lot of the people there went to The Journal a Gay Bar in Ogden to unwind before going home.  It was a really fun event and old Donny Eastepp said it would never fly! Ha! However I was super dead tired when I arrived home and went to bed at 2  in the morning.

13 February 1988 Saturday-
My stupid typewriter is broken so disappointing. So I had to finish my news articles for the Triangle by hand. I dropped by the Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church   and Rev. Rev. Bruce Barton was there in his office. He said I could leave the articles with him rather than going over to Ralph Goff.
Bruce and I talked a lot this afternoon about his being discouraged about this community’s lack of response to his Christian message. He also warned me and tried to convince me of the importance of not alienating the Gay bars by promoting these community dances as “non bar” dances. They are simply community dances. Period. He said he’s had people in the bar community getting ruffled feathers about these dances being “anti-bar”. To promote harmony, I believe Bruce is right. I need to be more sensitive to all aspects of the community at large.
Anyway after visiting with Bruce I went down to Midvale on 72nd South and bought a pair of contacts at America Best to replace my old ones. It’s so good to have them again instead of wearing glasses,
            I then went home and tried to rest some before having to go set up the Valentine Dance held at the Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church in their social hall in the basement. As I was laying down Garth Chamberlain pounded on my door from the hallway at 7:15. He sounded frustrated and said, “Isn’t there a dance tonight?” I said “yes but it’s not until 8.”  Evidently he had told his youth group friends it was at 7 so I left with him and went down early to open up the building however the key Rev. Bruce Barton had given me didn’t work. So I drove back home, called Bruce who called Wayne who is the Church’s Deacon to come upstairs from his apartment behind the church to open up the building.
Even with this hectic start I would say the dance sponsored by Unconditional Support, Wasatch Affirmation, and the Lesbian and Gay Student Union was a complete success.  Before it was over, more than 70 Gay and Lesbian individuals participated, mostly kids under 25 years old down there in the basement of the Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church.
John Reeves and I chaperoned more than dance and at one point during the night he said to me that he could tell that this 20 year old boy named Steve from Tooele has a crush on me. But what the hell am I suppose to do with a 20 year old?  I met again a kid named Jeff Wood who I am really attracted to who I saw at LGSU last Monday. I asked him if he attends the Youth Group and he said he’s too old for them so I know he’s at least over 23.
Anyway as the party went on downstairs, the “older” chaperons went up to the Deacon’s study and visited about community issues. The dance lasted until 11 at night  when I started winding things down because Bruce asked us to be out by then. Since everyone groaned when I announced that the dance was over, I guess everyone was having fun.   I let them have one last slow dance to close the event with.
I could tell the kids were mostly disappointed about the dance ending so I talked to Dave Malmstrom about extending the March 26th dance till midnight. He agreed. Anyway I am beat.  This has been a weekend from hell but we got a Gay water slide and a Gay Valentine’s dance accomplished.

14 February 1988- Sunday
I tried cleaning my apartment and I baked six dozon chocolate chip cookies. I made 3 dozon just for Billy Bikowski. I ran them up to his place in the Avenue but Frank Fatah said he wasn’t home. I was disappointed but left them with a card saying, “I hope you are feeling well and having a Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Anyway in the afternoon, John Reeves and I went to the movies and saw “Moonstruck” starring Cher. It was excellent and I absolutely loved it. After John dropped me off, it was just in time for church at Resurrection Metropolitan Church  and there was a very small turn out. I could tell that Rev. Bruce Barton was disappointed as there were less than 10 people in the pews but he gave a wonderful sermon on “Going Home” meaning heaven.  I sat with cute James Connelly on the front row.
After church, I came home and went to bed by 9 at night as I was so beat from this busy weekend. I hope I’m not catching another cold.

15 February 1988 Monday-
Because it is President’s Day, I didn’t have to go into work at Utah Title.  This morning at 7, Randy Olson dropped by the apartment to see if I wanted to go out for coffee. I could have killed him for waking me up so early. I declined as I am not a morning person.
 In the afternoon I did go out to lunch with John Reeves to plan this weekend retreat for July. We decided to have another a planning meeting on the 24th. John has done a first rate job of organizing this. We also finally came up with a perfect name for the retreat “Beyond Stonewall”. We first kicked around the idea of calling it the “Ganymede Retreat” but I wanted the name Stonewall in it. John thought Beyond Stonewall connoted that we have finished rebelling and now we are ready to build. We want all the workshops to be healing and nurturing as well as educational.
Afterwards I had an interview with Wendy at this LDS genealogy company called Lineages that Bruce Harmon works for. His boss is Johni Cerny who founded Lineages, Inc. in 1983.  I was hired part-time by them but this might work out great.
Anyway I had an AIDS Quilt Meeting at 6 this evening and we have raised $350 so far. That’s fantastic. At the meeting tonight were Bruce Harmon, Rev. Bruce Barton, Rocky O'Donovan, Chuck Whyte, Mark Lamar, Garth "Ruby Slippers" Snyder, Ben Barr and myself. I was so tired and started feeling sick during the meeting that I missed a lot of what went on. I’m catching another cold I just know it. I just affirmed everything that people said.  Ben Barr also said he wants to do an AIDS workshop for the retreat this summer.. 
I am really beat and have not been able to write much about all the exciting things that are happening to this community. Last night I began to think about all the organizations that I have touched in one way or another; The Restoration Church, Wasatch Affirmation, Unconditional Support, Married and Divorce Gays and Lesbians, The Wasatch Church of Christ, Salt Lake Affirmation, The AIDS Quilt Project, Gay Fathers, The First Thursday Women’s group, Gay Youth, and the Utah Valley Men’s Group. 
 I was a Bishop Agent in the Restoration Church, gave Russ Lane a home and a job enable to keep Wasatch Affirmation going. I created MADGAL and formed a Church of Christ last Spring. I reorganized the Salt Lake Affirmation last June which evolved into Unconditional Support. I began the Names Project Utah which evolved into the Quilt. I encouraged Steve Brackenbury to start Gay Fathers, Garth Chamberlain to start Gay Youth, Becky Moss to start the women’s group, and Guy the leader of the Provo Group said he was motivated by a talk I gave last November at the Lesbian and Gay Student Union  and now John Reeves is their advisor.

16 February 1988 Tuesday
I went back to work today but was sick all day. I became even sicker as the day progressed that I finally called Randy Olson and said that I wasn’t going to make it to Unconditional Support tonight. So I made arrangements with Chuck Whyte who works out of the Crossroad Urban Center to open the building. Randy was scheduled to run the meeting anyway. I went to bed at 7 this evening and slept throughout the night.

17 February 1988 Wednesday
I called in sick today and slept some more. Billy Bikowski called me this morning and asked to come over this evening and talk. I said certainly although it will be hard on me.
            I paid some bills today and made in my budget, room for a $150 deposit for the YMCA a campgrounds. Speaking of that,  John Reeves  called in the afternoon and said that its all firmed up with the YMCA and the Camp Rogers will be ours for Beyond Stonewall on the weekend of July 30th.  John Reeves is really excited about the retreat and is doing such a wonderful job. He’s getting Mike Buck to act as our secretary treasurer.
            Anyway Billy came over this evening and we visited until 11:30 at night. He said he didn’t want the commitment  that loving me would involve. I was weary and when I wanted him to lay down with me on the couch, he again turned aloof. I said to him that tonight is just turning into a repeat of every other night. I told him that he’s as elusive as moonlight for when I reach for him he recedes.
            I was feeling really weak anyway and was not up for a battle. I  offered to drive him home as he lives so far up in the Avenues but he declined so I just let him walk home in the cold.

18 February 1988 Thursday
I called in sick today as I had been so achy and feel like I have been run over by a truck. I must have had the flu as I don’t have a sore throat, nor a head cold but just feel lousy.
            I went to the Deseret Gym and sat in the sauna and that felt wonderful. Then I went over to the Genealogical Library to work on a project I was given for Lineages. I put in about 7 hours working on that.
            I was feeling horny so in the evening I went cruising at Orson Spenser Hall at the University because the weather was so nice and I was getting cabin fever. I shouldn’t have because it wore me out and there wasn’t any action.

19 February 1988 Friday
I tried to go into work today but I felt so lousy so instead I called in sick again. I don’t know what I have but it sure wallops a punch.

20 February 1988 Saturday
I’m starting to feel human again but I slept all day and didn’t get out of the apartment all day. I just gabbed on the phone to my friends trying to catch up on all the gossip and what is going on with them.

21 February 1988 Sunday
I went to the sauna at the U of U and basked in the warmth before going down to KRCL to tape a radio program but no one showed up so I left and went to Affirmation tonight to promote Beyond Stonewall with John Reeves.
            While cruising in the Sauna I met this guy named Larry and he was great sex.

22 February 1988 Monday-
I went back into work today. One of the girls from customer service was transferred to a branch office and another took a personal holiday leave, so Lenore and I were pretty busy for most of the day but I am feeling better.
            After work we had a brief AIDS Quilt meeting where we decided to have the next meeting at Barbara Stockton’s place rather than my apartment so we could watch a video on the Names Project’s display of the quilt in Washington DC. 
Later in the evening I went to the Lesbian and Gay Student Union meeting where Joe Dewey gave a lesson on Gay Culture. It was just okay. I heard that John Bennett is gone now. He left for San Diego where he was accepted into a paralegal program. So we will have to have new elections for the Gay Community Council next month because with John Bennett gone and Satu Servigna so ill we have no chair or vice chair.
After LGSU, I showed Ken Francis and Eddie Muldong were the cruisy men’s rooms are in Orson Spencer Hall. They were simply amazed at the amount of activity going on in them.
Anyway upon leaving the building we saw Gary Schwartz coming in and since Ken Francis seemed to know him, I started talking about Gay events that are happening. As it turned out Ken only knew Gary because they were in the same Arkansas Mission field together. Ha! I thought they knew each other through being friends with Mike Anderson or Steve Brackenbury. Oh well. If Gary didn’t know that Ken was Gay before he does now.
I went straight home to bed after LGSU.

23 February 1988 Tuesday-
The weather is starting to get much warmer finally. The deep freeze is over. At work everybody is back in their departments for a change  and we were busy with 36 orders. I guess business Is beginning to pick up again.       The auditors were in today looking at the Escrow files and everyone is anxious and excitable fearing there are some discrepancies in some of the Escrow accounts.
            After work, Becky Moss called me to see if I would help pull a show together for tomorrow. I said sure. What a trooper I am but it’s annoying these last minute arrangements on her part.
made a batch of chocolate chip cookies for Unconditional Support tonight which I led. We discussed Gay Social Behavior or what to say when you run into someone you know while out tricking.  I guess I was thinking about Ken Francis and Gary Schwartz.
I broke the group into five smaller groups and then had then discuss the different scenarios I had given them.
I had to leave the Crossroad Urban Center at 9 to tape a program down at KRCL. I read the parable of the Eye Glasses which switched heterosexuality and homosexuality around as the norm and played some music from the March of the Falsettos musical.  It was a good show and we were done by 11:30 when I came home to bed.

24 February 1988 Wednesday
There’s all kinds of rumblings at work because all the insurance underwriters except for Ticor have pulled out of Utah Title, I don’t know exactly why but Ticor is the largest Title Company in the United States. Without underwriter Utah Title cannot operate. The front desk receptionist wasn’t in today so one of the girls for Customer Service had to work the phones so it was just Lenore and I for most of the day.
            After work, I went to the Central Library to do some reading but I was home by 9 for the Beyond Stonewall meeting at 9 at my place. Present were James Connelley, Rocky O'Donovan, Neil Hoyt, Erick Christensen, Chuck Whyte, John Reeves and myself.  John Reeves has out done himself putting together a first rate organizational kit for each of us. We discussed heatedly whether to have the retreat open to both the Gay and the Lesbian Communities or just to Gay men. Our next meeting is March 16th and we will decide then whether it will be a men’s retreat after I contact some women I know in the Lesbian community and see if there is any interest there in attending. 

25 February 1988-Thursday
It was another bad day at Black Rock. This morning we were told that Utah Title lost all its underwriters and would have to close its doors, throwing all 150 people out of work. What a shock! I really did not see this happening. We were told we won’t even be paid for this last pay period so we are just out of a job with no money.
            After hearing this news I left and went down to Job Service immediately to apply for unemployment to beat the rush. I came back to work by noon and I worked the phones for four solid hours with them ringing off the hook as the news filtered out into the public. People who had mortgages and refinancing were in a panic.
            The co owner Al Newman tried to find us an underwriter so we could stay in business but by 4 in the afternoon he instructed me to tell lenders who were worried about their public recordings they had ordered to send them to another Title Company. At that point I knew it was all over. We had been straightening deck chairs on the Titanic. It was futile because we were going down.
            People were in tears at work and I was trying to hold things together working the phones to answers the frantic callers but at 4;30, after knowing there was nothing more I could do and I wasn’t going to get paid, I left work.
I had to be out to Salt Lake Community College in Taylorsville to be on a panel for John Reeve’s Sociology class. The class wanted to speak to a panel of homosexuals and on the panel were Curtis Jensen, Chris Brown, and Joe Dewey all from the Lesbian and Gay Student Union,  and myself.. I think we performed well and John Reeves was pleased.  I hope we destroyed some stereotypes. Afterwards John took us out for Pizza at Lieka’s on 4th South.
While eating I told Curtis Jensen’s about what was happening at Utah Title because he said he hates the Rogers Family. Evidently Ed Rogers the other co-owner embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from the escrow accounts with the help of Ron Howell to cover debts from property they had purchased. That is what caused the oldest and most conservative title company in Utah to fold. When Al Newman learned of Ed’s dealings with dipping into the escrow accounts, because he hated him,  Al turned him in but in doing so caused underwriters to pull out. One hundred and fifty people are now out of work because of the greed of two capitalist Mormons. If we had socialism where the people who actually worked for Utah Title had been on a board of review this could not have happened.
Well it’s my own fault for moving back to Utah the White Collar Crime capital of the world. But still what a shock. I think I am still a little dazed.

26 February 1988 Friday
I went into Utah Title for the last time to find out what was on.  Bob Elcock confirmed that the business was closed and he was pretty certain that we would not get paid our last pay check. On the news last night, it reported that Utah Title was going to file bankruptcy so it might be long, long time before I ever see my last pay check.
            I went to the break room to visit with some of my co workers. People still looked frazzled about having their world turned topsy-turvy  basically over night. I saw some of the title examiners taking arm loads of chains of titles from the library. I guess they think they have them coming since they aren’t getting paid for the work they did.
            After a while saying goodbyes I left and drove to Farmington  and Murray to put in applications for substitute teaching. I think it’s just beginning to hit me that I am really out of a job because Ed Rogers embezzled money form he company. It seems so strange to walk away from my desk with half finished work on it knowing they will never be completed by anyone.
            My economic situation is bleak. I have absolutely no money in the bank. Maybe $2 as I was depending on this pay check and rent is due next week.
            In the evening I called Billy Bikowski up as I just needed to hear his voice and maybe be assured that everything will turn out okay. However all he could do was “I’d invite you up but it might lead to an uncomfortable situation again.” I thought fuck you. After all I have done for him, he’s always only thinking of himself.

27 February 1988 Saturday
 I went to the genealogical library for most of the day to work on a project Lineages gave me. Perhaps if I do a good job they will hire me as a full time genealogist.
            The more I think about how Billy reacted when I called him, the madder I get. I am always there for him but he can never be there for me when I need a arm to lean on.
            I was really upset this morning after Mom called me. When I told her, I lost my job, can’t pay rent, have no food, because I don’t have any money, she didn’t offer any help at all.  I realized that I have no one that I can turn to for help or support.
            In the evening John Reeves wanted to go out dancing.  I had a headache probably from the stress and really didn’t want to go out but John was so insistent that I did anyway.
            It was not a fun night out with John and I neither having any money so it was more depressing than anything.

28 February 1988 Sunday
In the evening Becky Moss and I did our radio program. I interviewed the guys from the Utah Valley Men’s Group. Becky Moss thought that they were anti-Lesbian. However I think it will be a good program.
Not a lot is going on to report on. Lyle Bradley called me to see if I’d run for an office on Community Council. I said no way with all I am involved with, however I told him to call John Reeves.  I want to see John Reeves in a responsible position in the community and being the vice chair of the Gay and Lesbian Community Council of Utah would be excellent.

29 February 1988 Monday-
It’s leap day and this morning I received a call from the Granite School District, sending me out to Hunter Junior High to substitute for Dale Benson’s Industrial Arts class. I was tired for staying up so late last night but grateful to be called to substitute already. But what do I know about basically a shop class? I had no money to buy lunch or anything so the day kind of just dragged on.  The experience today however made me realize that I don’t really want to substitute teach again. It’s too stressful and right now I have too much stress in my life. Besides I just found out that substitutes only get paid once a month so I won’t see a check for any work in March until April.
            I can’t afford to substitute as I need my unemployment to pay rent so I’m not put out on to the street. Neil Hoyt thank goodness bought the first ticket for Beyond Stonewall for $45. Rocky O'Donovan brought the money to me so now I have $45 out of the $150 I had put up out of my own pocket for the deposit on Camp Rogers. Since Utah Title folded without paying me my last pay check this is all the money I have.
Rocky and I then went over to Barbara Stockton’s for an AIDS Quilt meeting but Ben Barr didn’t show up with the video about the national showing of the Names Project Quilt so we just talked about the March 12th open house which we will be hosting. Bruce Harmon has gotten us all incorporated now also.
Well this is the end of February. I should have gotten paid today but zip! Oh well. God is looking out for me. I worked mostly today on writing up the lineages LDS genealogy project so I could turn it in to them tomorrow.

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