Sunday, November 4, 2018

May 1988

1 May 1988 Sunday
It’s a brand new month and it snowed all day until the late afternoon. I spent most of my time writing up reports so I stayed inside until the snow stopped. I did go over to visit Mark Lamar to see how he is feeling.  I bought his waterbed and vacuum that he’s getting rid of for $110. He said he was being a slut today sleeping with this trick named Jeff and then later with Scott McKinney.
Anyway, I did a radio program at KRCL interviewing David Sharpton. He really ripped the LDS a new ass hole saying how Allan Gundry deceived him and other members of the Gay Community with the hope that the LDS Church was changing its policy towards Gays.  Not only are they totally in a "stick my head in the sand" mentality and non-supportive, they also are actively behind a lot of the discrimination against people with AIDS.  I think David has finally had his eyes opened the six months he has been here.  When he blew into town last fall telling us all that we didn't know what we were doing, or how to handle the LDS Church, he really put a lot of people off.  Including me.
However I've seen David in action and in his AIDS arena. He is a power house and a dedicated fighter.  I'm finally glad that he's realized that we Gay Community leaders aren't the enemy, but rather the far right, the conservative, almost fascist fanaticism of LDS Church’s homophobia is. 
Becky Moss really enjoyed the show and after the taping I went up to Affirmation to talk to Dave Malmstrom about hosting the dance this month and about funding David Sharpton’s registration fees for the Desert and Mountain States Conference out of last month’s dance funds.  He agreed.
I wasn’t there long before I noticed that Billy Bikowski was there  also. So I left and when I did, outside Billy stopped me. We talked briefly and I can’t remember about what, only how beautiful his robin blue eyes are and how much I miss him.

2 May 1988 Monday
I worked like a maniac today trying to get the last of five reports written to turn into tomorrow. I’ve got at least 40 hours of work down and also $22 worth of pocket expenses from copying documents to include in the projects.
            Mark Lamar had Scott McKinney help move the rest of his waterbed and everything else over to my place which made my apartment a disaster.
            I am going to have to move myself this week. Last Saturday James Conrad moved out of the Juel Apartment and has a really nice two bedroom apartment that my share would be  $350 a month. Do I really want to spend that much more? But I need to get a two bedroom apartment or sell my twin beds.
            In the evening I did go to a short Triangle Meeting at Satu Servigna’s place where I heard that Ralph Goff is no longer the editor.

3 May 1988 Tuesday
What a depressing day. When I opened my mail I had a bill from Mountain Bell for over a $1000! I was shocked and thought they must have made a mistake but then I found that they were coming after me for Fran’s phone bill down in Utah County because we were still married. I called the phone company immediately and the number was from Fran’s old phone at Linda Suazo’s. Since they can’t locate Fran they are trying to stick me with her bill.
            I called the PSC and they said since Fran and I were still legally married technically I am responsible  for all her debts even though we have not lived together for 2 years.  I was not angry at Fran but at Linda because I know this is all her doing.
            I called an attorney named Cory Wall and made an appointment for next Tuesday to file for divorce. I have just been putting off the inevitable and while I worked at Utah Title wanted to keep Fran on my health insurance.  I also asked Bob Brown the Juel Apartment manger to write a note saying that I have lived alone for two years and that Fran has never lived with me during that time.
            At Unconditional Support I was kind of bummed out but carried on with the meeting like a trooper. Since day one, my marriage to Fran has been nothing but a financial hardship for me because of her irresponsibility and I accept it I guess because of guilt and my fondness for Fran but it can’t continue.

4 May 1988 Wednesday
My apartment is a total wreck with all of Mark Lamar’s stuff strewn about everywhere. I went to the Genealogy Library to work on reports. I need to get as much done as I can if I am going to take off for Denver for the Desert and Mountain State Conference.

5 May 1988 Thursday-
 I am going crazy trying to meet The Triangles deadlines as well as trying to get as much work done  for Lineages as possible before leaving for Denver next weekend. I wrote my history column on The Stonewall Rebellion.

6 May 1988 Friday
Mark Lamar finally found someone with a truck to come pick up his stuff to take to Deseret Industries out of my apartment this morning.

7 May 1988 Saturday
I stayed at the Genealogy Library until 6 this evening and then John Reeves called and asked if I wanted to go to the bars later tonight. I was tired mentally but thought dancing might do me some good. I am still on my diet but I don’t seem to be losing anymore weight.
I watched Family Ties and the Tracy Ullman Show before John came over at 9:30. We went to Backstreet first and  a drag show was going on and we didn’t want to pay a cover so we went to the In-Between to have a drink and visit before the SUN gets busy which is never before 10:30.
            We sat out of the patio and I saw Gary Boren from the Lesbian and Gay Student Union there with some of his young friends.  Gary is always nice and friendly but I think they others saw us as chicken hawks so we got up and moved.  John never drinks alcohol, just club soda while I had a fuzzy navel.  It was boring at the In-Between so finally we decided to head over to the SUN.
            It was just starting to get crowded but more in the front where the pool tables are rather than on the dance floor. We found a table to sit at and I ordered wine cooler and John was still just drinking club soda. We watch the pretty young things that started to fill up the dance floor.  I saw Ken Francis come in with a kid and had them join us because the tables that had chairs were filling up fast. They saved our spots while John and I went out and danced to “It’s Raining Men”. Mostly we just watched others dance as it was too noisy and music too loud to talk.
            We left about midnight and after taking me home, John said he was going to Club14 to see what trouble he can get into there. Ha! Go for it. I am going to bed.

8 May 1988 Sunday
            I worked on writing reports this morning until noon when I walked down to Liberty Park to lay out in the sun. I hadn’t done that in ages. I hung out at the volleyball court in front of the restrooms and watch the boys play. It was warm enough some had their shirts off.  It was also interesting to see who was darting in and out the men’s room and who was lingering.
At 5:30 I decided to go to Affirmation to make more announcements and there a kid named Justin Weber came tonight. I think he’s 17 or 18 and is just coming out. He’s from Helper, Utah but his family kicked him out when they found out he was homosexual.  He said at the meeting he didn’t have anywhere to stay until Monday so I said he could sleep on my couch.  I think he knew he’d be safe with me because I am such a mother hen while others there at the meeting were looking at him like fresh meat.
            I had to leave early to go tape a show with Becky Moss down at KRCL and said I’d be home by 9. Justin was dropped off by some guys about 9:30 and I fed him some leftovers and let him watch TV in the front room while I went to bed.

9 May 1988 Monday
I finally was able to get my Volkswagen Station Wagon back from the shop. Bobbie Dubray said it was more complicated than he thought  but he only charged me $75. It is good to have transportation back rather than walking or taking the bus everywhere. I hate asking people for rides but John Reeves has been awfully good about taking me grocery shopping when I need to.

10 May 1988 Tuesday
After dropping some projects off at Lineages and getting paid, I met with this lawyer named Corey Wall today who said because of Utah’s no fault divorce laws and that Fran and I have no real assets it should be a simple process of filing the forms with the court and contacting Fran.  It seems weird to actually filing divorce papers. It’s making it all too real. It cost me $80 to pay my lawyer to file the papers.  I don’t know why but I feel so sad over this.
            I went to Unconditional Support tonight and it was a smaller than usual group now that the weather is getting nicer people would rather be outdoors.  I told the few who actually knew that I was married and had met Fran that we were divorcing finally. Those who remember Fran think she’s great.

11 May 1988 Wednesday
At the Genealogy Library all day from 11 to 8 this evening.  I only stopped long enough to eat dinner at J.B’s on the corner of West Temple and South Temple. I had a hamburger and fries. It’s the first time I’ve eaten out by myself in ages.
            At home I called Shawn Donnally to make sure it’s still okay that John Reeves and I can crash at his place this weekend. He said he was super excited to see both of us so that’s taken care of.

12 May 1988 Thursday
I worked 10 hours today down at the LDS Genealogy Library. I did speak to anyone today so I could get as much done as possible. At home I called John Reeves to firm up what time we are living tomorrow. I am bringing $40 with me which should help out with gas and eating out.

13 May 1988 Friday
John Reeves and I left Salt Lake City at 10 this morning taking his Mazda because it has good gas mileage. We drove straight through to Denver  taking I-70 for most of the way taking turns driving. We did stop in Green River to get something to eat and then drove on into Denver and it took us about nine hours.
            Shawn Donnelly and Brent Burch had their apartment south of Denver in Littleton and they said we could stay with them for the weekend. I think they were happy to see home folk from Salt Lake. I let John have the couch and I told they boys I would be fine sleeping on the floor.
            John and I, after dropping off some things, drove back into downtown Denver to the hotel were the Desert and Mountain States Conference was being held. The conference is a political organization, whose delegates meet with other delegates from Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona to network and share concerns that are unique to the Intermountain West as opposed to the West and East Coasts.
            We arrived kind of after the meet and great and the Colorado delegates had some entertainment and a comedy routine that was fun. John and I mingled and saw a few folks from Utah but I actually wanted to meet guys from other states. This kid named Joey Brown from New Mexico was awfully cute and I flirted some.
            I could tell John was really tired and he had his presentation tomorrow so we left at 9 and drove back to Littleton. They boys were still up watching a movie but when we came in, they retired to their room so John could have the couch and I made myself comfortable on the floor. I actually don’t mind sleeping sometimes on the floor.
14 May 1988 Saturday
We were downtown by 9 this morning for some of the early workshops. It was hard to tell how many were here for the conference but Curtis Jensen estimated around 150 people came from Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming with the majority being of course from Colorado because they were hosting this year. People I knew from Utah who attended were Dave Omer, Gary Boren, Chris Brown, Curtis Jensen, Joe Dewey, Val Mansfield, John Bennett, David Sharpton, Rob Ivy, John and myself and probably a few more who I don’t remember right now. It was all a whirlwind of workshops, eating, and making connections.
John Reeves and I went to several of the workshops and my favorite was “Discovering the Faggot Within” which was a visualization and meditation. I mainly went to where ever the Utah Delegates went and hung out with John.  His presentation on the causation of homosexuality was well attendant probably about forty people.
I heard that some folks are wanting to join with Texas next year for a combine Southwest Conference but a lot are opposed to idea saying the Mountain West has nothing in common with the issues of the big cities of Texas and our issues would not he addressed. Besides the Utah Delegates are making a pitch that Salt Lake hosts the conference next year.
I heard later that Curtis Jensen was able to convince members of the DMSC to hold next year’s conference in Salt Lake over the strenuous lobbying of delegates from the Southern States Conference who wanted to hold a joint regional conference in Texas.
John and I in the afternoon took a break and drove around the capitol and over to Cheesman Park. I was glad John was driving because I was all turned around but Denver is a pretty city with lots of old neighborhoods close to downtown.  We drove down Colfax where we found a Burger King to buy a little lunch because the banquet at the hotel wasn’t until 7:30 this evening.
Later Dave Omer said a bunch were going over to this outdoor mall where the street was closed over to car traffic. It was fun being with Dave. He’s so funny. He knew I was running out of money and he loaned me $20 until I can pay him back when we get home. That was sweet of him.
At the banquet John and I sat at David Sharpton and Rob Ivy’s table where David was mad at him for some reason. He had to calm down because David was one of the speakers. James Kepner, director of The International Gay and Lesbian Archives  in Los Angeles was the keynote speaker.
Later I heard from Curtis why David and Rob are fighting because David found out that Rob had had sex with Billy Bikowski. When I heard that my heart went numb and I don’t remember anything else.
I was tired so I asked John to take me back to Littleton even though he wanted to stay longer.  I guess he went back out with others to the dance bars and I am sure went they went to some of Denver’s bathhouses.
            Shawn Donnally  and Brent Burch were home luckily so I just made a bed on the couch and went to sleep tormented by jealous thoughts of Rob and Billy.

15 May 1988 Sunday-
I woke up at Shawn Donnally  and Brent Burch’s place in Littleton to get ready for John Reeves to come by and pick me up which he did at 9:30 this morning. I thanked Brent and Shawn for everything and said my goodbyes then John and I were on our way back to Salt Lake.  We didn’t stay for the closing ceremonies because John has to be back to work on Monday and needs to rest up. All the others from Utah were either flying over didn’t have to be back for a few days.
Virginia Apuzzo, the past Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force spoke at the Conference’s Sunday brunch and Congresswoman Pat Schroeder gave the opening remarks for Apuzzo. I am sure they were great but it was a long drive home and I was still upset over Billy Bikowski.
            John drove as far as Grand Junction and then I drove the rest of the way home because John was exhausted. We stopped in Helper, Utah and stopped to see the pitiful place where Justin Weber lives.
            Anyway we were back in Salt Lake City by 6 this evening. I was way too keyed up to stay home, so  I walked up to Affirmation at the Unitarian Church on 13th East to talk with Dave Malmstrom about yesterday’s dance.
            When I reached the church U sat out on the grass out front and waited for someone to come and open the doors. Then Billy Bikowski appeared, beaming a smile at as only he can.  He comes over and sits next to me on the grass and starts to make small talk. However I am still angry at him for having sex with Rob Ivy and I say to him “As you can see I’m not very responsive to you and don’t want to talk.” So he gets and leaves. However it killed me to have him leave my side and he calls back to me across the yard,” Did I misunderstand something Is this what you wanted?”
            I give in as I always will with Billy and I get up and go sit with him when the social hall when the doors were opened.  It was a rap group session where we broke up into smaller groups. I went with Chip Prince’s group outside as did Billy. Chip had absolutely nothing planned so I did a modified version of “Discovering the Faggot Within”  that I learned at  Desert and Mountain State Conference Workshop. It went well and all enjoyed it.
            After we all came back together inside I found Dave Malmstrom and he said yesterday’s dance was highly successful and more people attended then last time.  However some damage was done to the Unitarian Church by some of The Youth Group who had been drinking. That made me mad because this was supposed to be an alcohol free dance and now it will cost us close to a hundred dollars to repair the damage.
            As I began to walk home down the hill, Billy runs after me to catch up and walks with me part way down Fifth South where we begin to talk seriously. I confronted him about Rob Ivy and he didn’t deny it. He said he was drunk. Sure.
            Anyway I know Billy well enough to know that major shit is coming down around him and he wants to use me for shelter. He just needed someone who would listen to him. So I decided to sublimate my emotions and detach myself from my own feelings so I could be Billy’s sounding board.
            He needed to talk about Dan Fahndrich throwing him out and he has to find a new place by the end of the month. He tried to justify not paying his debts to Dan by how he was being treated.
            As the night air turned chilly and we were only wearing shorts, we walked on home to my place where I let Billy spend the night, Nothing happened  and it probably never will again. It is over between us. Still I got to hold him and let him pour his feelings out.  Billy is 26 now but he will always be my “Golden Oh No! Boy”.

16 May 1988 Monday
Billy Bikowski left this morning and didn’t look back. I am realizing it’s really over between us. James Conrad  stated that I need to just keep reaffirming that it’s over and it will get better. He said that it doesn’t mean I don’t still love him and always will but that the relationship is over.
            I spent most of the day at the Genealogy Library and also resting up from this past weekend. I am so glad to be home.
            Ken Francis came over this evening and helped me put my waterbed together. I would never have figured it out on my own.

17 May 1988 Tuesday-
I turned in some work to Lineages but didn’t have as much done as I had liked because of going to Denver. At Unconditional Support, Steve Oldroyd showed a video on the March on Washington. It was good to see the March again. We had a pretty good turnout including Brook Hallock.
Afterward the meeting she talked to me about teaching her how to do genealogy and I said I would. We went to Dee’s for coffee and I had fun reminiscing about my train trip with Mark Lamar back to Washington last year. In fact we got to laughing so hard that we were told to hold it down by the manager!

18 May 1988 Wednesday-
I just worked all day at the genealogy library trying to get my financial life in order.  Today is  John Reeves 55th birthday. He was born in san Francisco I think and was adopted.  I called him to wish him happy birthday but was down in the dumps because none of his kids had sent a card or called him today. He thinks his wife Barbara are poisoning the kids against him by playing the martyred wife.

19 May 1988 Thursday
Ken Francis and I walked to Memory Grove and laid out in the sun and visited about what is going on with us. He’s pretty discourage at his job as a bank teller and that he can’t keep a boyfriend.  Later I went to the genealogy library and work like crazy to get as much done that I didn’t finish last week.
            I called Dave Omer to pay him back the money I borrowed last weekend but he said I could just put it towards his ticket towards Beyond Stonewall.

20 May 1988 Friday
I spent all day and most of the evening down at the Genealogy Library. I am getting so burned out  but I paid bills the rest of the night after coming home to the Juel.  I also went through all the research documents I copied and highlighted them for inclusion in my reports.
            I joined the Mormon Church 16 year ago in California. Who would have thought that would uproot me from Orange County and relocate me in Salt Lake City.  It was another time and another place. I was so young then but I love the man I am now compared to the confused, lonely boy I was back then.

21 May 1988 Saturday
I was at the genealogy library all day again but in the evening I took time out to go to the Holiday Inn to vote for the candidates in the Royal Court. I voted for Larry White for Emperor and Bree for Empress.  I also voted for Lloyd Gamble and Bruce Harmon for board members.
            John Reeves called me later in the evening and wanted us to go out. I told him to go vote for Emperor and Empress and then come pick me up.  We then went out to the bars. I must have been in a very good mood because at Backstreet several guys were hitting on me but I wasn’t about to leave John stranded as it was kind of his birthday celebration to.
            Mike Pipkin had this friend who said to me that I had the most incredible blue eyes. Then over at the In Between a friend of Chuck Whyte’s said to him referring to me, “Why is a hunk like him hanging around with you?”  I am sure he was just joking with Chuck but I was still extremely flattered.
            I see some of the stuff that Mark Lamar had given to the In-Between and it made me miss him.  I haven’t heard from him since he moved back to Indiana.
            John and I didn’t stay out late because John was  tired and I had a lot of work to finish at home.

22 May 1988-Sunday-
Where is the time going? I spent most of the day writing reports to turn in on Tuesday. It was such a pretty day that I took a break to go lay out at Memory Grove. There  two Youth Group members, Randy Wangreen, and Becky Smith, came up to me and asked if I knew of a place where Becky could stay.  She said her mom threw her out and she’s been on the street for three days.  I said she could come to stay with me until she finds a place.  I hope I know what I am doing but I can’t see a 15 year old Lesbian being out on the streets.
            I had planned on meeting with Dave Malmstrom about the dance money  and to plan next month’s dance but he had to cancel at the last minute so in the evening I took some time out to do a taping for Concerning Gays and Lesbians at the KRCL station.   Becky Moss and I discussed the Desert and Mountain States Conference and the National Organization for Women national conference that was held in the Marriott Hotel with NOW President Molly Yard the keynote speaker.   
We did a quick show because Becky had tickets for an AIDS Project Utah benefit at Kingsbury Hall. The Salt Lake Men’s Choir were opening for a concert by Olivia Recording Artists,  Cris Williamson and Tret Fure.
Becky Smith and Randy Wangreen were on my doorstep at 9 tonight and I had them come in to see my place. We visited for a bit and Becky said she had a place for tonight but would come here tomorrow night.

23 May 1988 Monday
I was down at the Genealogy Library working doing last minute research before writing it all up tonight. I slept in the front room on the couch and let Becky Smith have the bedroom because I said I would be up most of the night writing up reports and I practically was. Mondays are my hardest day.

24 May 1988 Tuesday
I turned in fifty hours of work to Lineages this morning but Denny forgot to make out a check for me for last weeks’ projects. So I didn’t get to pick up my paycheck until later in the afternoon.
            I had a surprise call from Fran this morning. I hadn’t spoken with her since last September.  She said she received the divorce papers and wanted to know if I really wanted to go through it.  She said she never intended to ever marry again. It was very hard telling her that I think it is the best thing for the both of us.
            Then we just caught up on what’s been happening in our lives. I told her about how I am not working for Utah Title and trying to support myself doing Genealogy for Lineages.  She said she’s not working either right now but is living in Orem. She said that Linda Suazo said she would take care of the phone bill because most of it was all hers calling long distance to Minnesota. She also said that she is behind on paying her storage unit rent for two months and asked if I could help her out with it. The place is threatening to sell her stuff for the rent so I said I would take care, That’s another $100 right there. It was bitter sweet talking to Fran.
            At Unconditional Support tonight Officer Friendly came and spoke about being street smart and crime prevention. Mark Lamar had lined him up before he left town for Indiana. It was a good informative public service. We went to Dee’s afterwards for coffee.

25 May 1988 Wednesday-
After being at the library for most of the day, I took time off this evening to go to the Youth Group at Westminster College to hear Mayor Palmer De Paulis address them.  It was a fairly good turn out with perhaps 60 people or more. I was extremely pleased that the mayor would speak to a Gay youth organization. I later asked the mayor whether he was still coming to Gay Pride Day and he said he was and I also informed him about the Desert and Mountain States Conference coming to Salt Lake City next year and asked whether he would be willing to speak. He said if his schedule permits he would consider it and to make an appointment with his secretary Diane Lopez.  This is the first time I’ve been to a youth group function and I see some serious flaws.
Chris Brown and Gary Boren of the Lesbian and Gay Student Union  and I talked for hours about our concerns about the group.

26 May 1988 Thursday.
This morning, a beautiful stray Siamese Cat crawled through my front room basement window and has made herself at home. She is beautiful, beige with chocolate paws, tail, and ears with bright blue eyes. I hope Billy Cat doesn’t become jealous. Beck Smith adores it.
Later while laying out at Memory Grove I saw Garth Chamberlain and told him about some of the real serious concerns I have about the Youth Group, especially the lack of adult supervision and the obvious hitting upon members by the leadership.  When I came home from work, I had a real nasty message on my answering machine from Garth Chamberlain saying in effect that he didn’t appreciate “my interference” and that the Youth Group doesn’t need any help or advice from me.  Well that’s fine.  One less thing I have to be involved with so I took the Youth Group off my Gay Information Line and changed the pass code.
If they are so independent of Unconditional Support now let them be off on their own.  But I certainly don’t feel good about referring people to an organization that seems to be a cruising ground for tricks rather than educational and supportive.
John Reeves and I went to the movies and saw “Casual Sex” and it was a cute comedy with some AIDS awareness in it.

27 May 1988 Friday-
I stayed at the genealogy library until closing. Then stayed home instead of going out working on writing up reports. I had several calls from Tim Wanee and Reina Horton from the Youth Group on my answering machine.  I suppose it has gotten out that I’ve pulled the plug on their phone line.  Why should I subsidize them when Garth Chamberlain made it abundantly clear he doesn’t want my interference and when I don’t believe in supporting The Youth Group as presently constituted as a place for young people to hook up. I’ve got too many things to do without worrying about them.

28 May 1988 Saturday
I was at the genealogy library for 10 this morning until closing, getting the final research done for this week’s project. The library will be closed for Memorial Day so I needed to get as much done as I could today.
            After leaving the library I drove up to Orson Spencer Hall because I was horny. I had a nice time meeting several guys there looking for sex and I stayed until 8 this evening.
            I bought a book at the Cosmic Airplane bookstore on 100 South today called “The Celluloid Closet” by Victor Russo. It’s really good.
            Between baking and preparing food for tomorrow, I sat at my coffee table on the floor and marked my documents in preparation of writing up my reports.
            Becky Smith was out running around  with her friends but I told her she had to be back in by 2 in the morning. She’s a sweet girl and really bright but has no structure in her life.  If she’s going to stay here she has to have some rules if I am going to be somewhat responsible for a teenager.
            She said she will get paid this next Friday when she will have enough money saved to move out with some friends her own age. I’m not used to having a roommate especially a girl. She’s a lot like Mike Anderson, kind of immature. She doesn’t see the need to help out around the place although she is staying here for free.  She’s never done up the dishes and is on the phone constantly like any typical teenager.
            Becky has named the Siamese cat, Carlotta and says he loves her but doesn’t change the kitty litter or feed Billy Cat or Carlotta’s   However she is a sweet girl and will grow up just fine eventually.
            I stayed up until 2 this morning working on my reports and waiting for Becky to come home. I am getting mentally burned out doing so much research and writing up reports.
I have had to pay for everything out of my own pocket for Coronation tomorrow  because Dave Malmstrom hasn’t gotten back to me with Unconditional Support’s share of the dance money from the 14th.

29 May 1988 Sunday
I tried to get so many last minute items done before going to Coronation this evening.  I finished making the Zuppa Inglaise, a kind of English Truffle dessert, making a huge bowl of Party Mix, a vegetable tray and a popped a bag of popcorn to bring.
            At 4 this afternoon, Randy Olson, John Reeves, and James Connelley who wants to be called Zack now showed up so we could all go together. We were all in a festive mood.
 We arrived at the Salt Palace Assembly Hall about 4:30 and I set up our table while the rest stuffed The Triangles with Beyond Stonewall fliers that John Reeves brought with him.  The Triangle Magazines were on all the tables.  We had about 20 people in all at our two tables.
 I think I enjoyed Coronation more tonight then last year.  I made several entrances as a representative of The Community Council, for the AIDS Quilt Project, for Beyond Stonewall, and Unconditional Support.
Beyond Stonewall gave Emperor Donny Eastepp and Herman Moore, Empress “Donie Marie” complementary tickets to the retreat. Mike Buck and John Reeves were slightly nervous making an entrance  with me for Beyond Stonewall but it was a good experience for them and they were great. As part of Unconditional Support, Randy Olson and I gave the monarchs boxes of Godiva chocolate. 
I brought a bottle of white zinfandel to Coronation so I was feeling pretty loose all night, mostly kissing Joel Redmond from Idaho. Steve this Junior Leather man sure attached himself to me.
Shawn Hughes was so cute tonight. He’s so adorable in a cute puppy sort of way. Let me see if I can remember all who was with us, Ken Francis, John Reeves, Mike Buck, Erick Carlson, Eric Christensen, Shawn Hughes, James Connelley, Colin Frank, Eddie Muldong, and his two friend, Joe Dewey, Curtis Jensen, Val Mansfield, Chris Brown, Tim Wanee and John from the Youth Group, Steve “Leather Man” and probably more. 
Empress XII Donnie Marie and Emperor XII Donny Eastepp’s step down at Coronation lasted a little after midnight and had started at 5:30.  This year’s Theme was Gold Rush and the set designs were wonderful.  Bree made her entrance riding in a Black Swan carriage drawn by scantily clad young men.  Rev. Bruce Barton did a wonderful Gospel hymn with The Love Birds as his backup singers.
 All in all everyone seemed to have had a wonderful time.  Larry White was crowned as this year’s Emperor and Desiree’ Marciano won as the new Empress.  Bruce Harmon was elected to the new Board while Floyd Gambel was appointed to the Board.

30 May 1988 Monday Memorial Day
I didn’t step a foot out of the house today. I had to write up four reports to turn in tomorrow before 9 in the morning if I am to get paid. Fortunately I didn’t have hang over from drinking as much cherry vodka that I did. It was a cold nasty rainy day anyway and only about 50 degrees. I heard from Chuck Whyte that Bruce Harmon was chosen Prince Royale XIII and Kashie Berringer (K.C. Culligan) became Princess Royale XIII  at the court’s Victory Brunch today.

31 May 1988 Tuesday
I stayed up all night writing reports which I finished about 3 this morning. I didn’t even want to go to bed afraid I’d over sleep and be a basket case all day so I read from The Celluloid Closet  until dawn. Then I went down to Lineages at 8 but no one was in the office until about a half an hour later. I didn’t even bother waiting for my paycheck as I was so tired.
            It was overcast and cloudy for most of the morning and did eventually shower some. Since I was up and out I didn’t want to go back home because the apartment is a sty and Becky Smith was still sleeping and I didn’t want to disturb her.  So I drove to Sunnyside park and just sat in my car and read some more for the Celluloid Closet. I also watched guys cruise in and out of the men’s restroom there which has a glory hole in one of the stalls. I was too tired to do anything but watch the parade.
            At 11 I finally went home and crashed on the camelback couch until 3 in the afternoon when I was woken by a phone call from Mark Lamar calling from Indiana. I think he was homesick he was homesick for news from Salt Lake but otherwise he said he was doing well. He said he may come out the weekend of June  29th for his wife’s trial for trying to murder him. It was good to hear from him but I was groggy that I am sure I wasn’t very coherent.
            I did begin to stir after that  however as I had to start getting ready for Unconditional Support. I decided to do the workshop I learned at Desert and Mountain States Conference in Denver called  “Discovering The Faggot Within”.  I also had to run to the store to get some refreshments as I didn’t make any.
 We had a fairly good turnout of about 30 people. Steve Brackenbury of Gay Fathers came briefly.  I hadn’t seen him months and his phone’s been disconnected  so I haven’t heard from him either.
Anyway I think the workshop went well and it was a good experience for everyone to realize how similar we really are and that it’s the heterosexual world that keeps us apart and thinking that we are all alone.
After the meeting we all went to Dee’s for coffee and after most of the guys left, Mike Buck, John Reeves, Randy Olsen, Chuck Whyte and I had a brief Beyond Stonewall Meeting at Dee’s. We have about 30 people signed up already! 
I’m starting to get to know this kid named Ron Murray from Cincinnati  better and I really like his style a lot. We talked a little about the Youth Group and why I feel I cannot support it anymore.
Well this is the end of May and it was a busy month for me for sure.

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