Sunday, November 4, 2018

October 1988

1 October 1988 Saturday
I cleaned the apartment really good, dusting, polishing, vacuuming, doing up the dishes, changing the bedding and mopping the kitchen and bathroom.  I finished making out bills also this first of October.
            In the evening, I got dressed and ready for Dave Malmstrom for us to go out and see “Bent”.  I called him at 6 and all I got was his answering machine. Around 7:15 I started to get nervous because we had to be at the theater by 7:45 to pick up our reserved tickets.  By 7:30 I was really deponent because I knew by then he wasn’t coming over.
            At 8 o’clock I was just sick that I was stood up and that I missed seeing “Bent.” I couldn’t get a hold of Dave to find out why he didn’t shoe either.
            I then called Randy Olson thinking that perhaps we could go to the movies or something so I wouldn’t have to sit home alone and be depressed. Well he gives me this really lame excuse saying he had just eaten and didn’t like the way his stomach pooched out!  I thought, “you asshole”. He can be really selfish and has never been much of a real friend to me. I decided right then and there to cut him off just like Fran did her friend Paulette Gasparac years ago who was never there for her either when she needed her.
            Anyway rather than stay home, I walked downtown to Cinema In Your Face and saw “Mondo New York.” It was really bizarre but made me want to go to New York City again and really look around this time.
            While I was walking home on Broadway I was cruised and picked up by this guy who gave me a ride home. I asked him into the apartment. It wasn’t until were about to have sex, did he say that he was a bottom. Well I can do both  but prefer to bottom myself so it wasn’t a very interesting encounter.  In fact neither one of us seemed to be too interested.
Well I was tired and still upset about being stood up, so I had him leave before neither one of us climaxed.
I am so disappointed in Dave Malmstrom. When I finally listened to my machine he had left a message saying he was sorry but it was more like he had just blown the evening off.  I guess that meant me too. 
2 October 1988 Sunday
I sat on the floor in the living room and graded papers spread out on my coffee table so I could make out my mid-term progress reports for my students. That took most of the morning adding up all the grades on the calculator and finding an average for each kid.
            In the afternoon, I walked up to Memory Grove, stopping at Circle K first to get a large diet Dr. Pepper drink and Sunday paper. The weather is still wonderful and really like an Indian Summer, warm in the day and cool at night. The leaves in City Creek Canyon are so beautiful with their hues of crimson, butternut, orange, and brown.
            There’s a spot up the trail that is like a Gazebo that I like to sit and read. There I met a man who wanted me to go up into the shrubs to watch me jerk off but I wasn’t interested. I was quite content to sit and read the Sunday Paper and drink my soda.
            At Memory Grove I did see Ken Bruck who gave me his new address and phone number so we could stay in touch. He said that James Conrad is trying to get back together with Frank Fatah who treats him like Billy Bikowski treats me.
            I also saw Bob McIntier at the park who gave me a ride home so I didn’t have to walk the two miles back.  He said last weekend he was in Southern California for the Restoration Church’s Conference. This weekend is LDS General Conference and next weekend will be Affirmations Conference in West Hollywood.
            Anyway, I stayed home this evening as I didn’t had to do a KRCL radio program.
Yesterday I put a message on Man 2 Man but I haven’t had any responses yet.
            I did call Mark Lamar to catch up with news. I told him about the divorce, the IRS, about Billy Bikowski, Dave Malmstrom, and Randy Olson. All of it.
            I went to bed by 10 tonight.  
3 October 1988 Monday-
Well in back in the classroom. I am so glad that Monday is a short day with the kids who go home at 1:20 so we have time to plan for the rest of the week. It hard to believe there’s been a month of school already.
            When I was home I received a call from Kevin McCloskey  who wanted to know if I wanted to go out for a bite to eat with him. Since I am attracted to him and want to get to know him better, I agreed.  We went to this little Japanese Place called the Mikado downtown on 1st South. And while it was very good, it was too expensive for my taste but since Kevin is a lawyer he probably thought nothing of it and he was treating me.
            Anyway he said Beau had been arrested for welfare fraud but was going to be released on his own recognizance. He also said that the Utah Valley Men’s Group called him to tell him that the BYU Standards Office had a change in policy and will no longer allow BYU students to attend any Gay organizations.  I wondered how long it would be before the Mormon Church pulled the rug out.
This last weekend was the Mormon Fall General Conference and in the news, several demonstrators where outside Temple Square picketing, demanding that Gordon Hinckley resigns because of immoral conduct.
Anyway back at the Apartment, Kevin and I made out for about an hour but he was having difficulties maintaining an erection so we just hugged and necked instead of being intimate. He said he needed to be at his office at 10:30 anyway so I was in bed by 11. 
4 October 1988 Tuesday
Six  this morning came way too early and Susan and I stayed late at Sunset until 5 this evening so I barely had time to get home and get things ready for Unconditional Support tonight. We are meeting earlier at 7 now that fall is here and it’s getting darker earlier.
I had to lead the meeting of Unconditional Support because Eric Vaughn has taken off and left Utah without telling anyone. Some much for his being flakey.
I asked the question of the group of whether we were really a Gay community or just individual people who happen to be homosexuals. Unfortunately two thirds of meeting still rejected the idea that Salt Lake City has a viable Gay Community.
Billy Bikowski showed up at 9 just as the meeting was breaking up and while I acknowledged his presence as I should as a group leader hugging everyone. However he stands around trying to catch my attention and I realize Good God, he’s here to see me. I am flustered so just begin cleaning up the room to think what’s the best way to deal with him being here. Then he says :I have a present for you.”  He hands me a small wrapped box and kisses me on the cheek.
I don’t know whether to open it or throw it back in his face but my love for him wins out and I open it. Inside was a container of PMS Midol with a note with directions saying take two when suffering from Bill. I didn’t even try to interpret that riddle but this from a man who a week ago says he never misses me.
Anyway afterward, as a group we went to Dee’s on 4th South as always, but the new manager there would not serve us. So we left and went to the Other Place CafĂ© where the service was bad there that we waited 45 minutes for our food and it was stone cold. I told Billy that “you don’t have to eat it or pay for it. Let’s leave.”
So we left and went to Burger King near the Juel Apartments. It pleased me so much to be with Billy like no one else can. I know he needs a friend so much  but can I be that friend and watch him fall in and out of love with others knowing he never will with me? I think not. I wish I had the strength to say I could. May be one day when I don’t love him anymore but I don’t think that day will ever come. I never bothered finding out what his present was all about unless he heard from Beau Chaine that I was living on PMS Midol last summer up at Camp Rogers to deal with stress.  It was probably just an excuse to use to get me to talk to him. Nothing more.
Kevin McCloskey was not at Unconditional Support tonight. He called me later to say it was because a friend of his committed suicide up in the canyons yesterday. Derek Streeter takes exception to everything I say at Unconditional Support and stands up for the Mormon Church constantly.  He is so fucked up. I mean really.  
5 October 1988 Wednesday
I just now starting to get phone calls in response to my ad on Man2Man. Very interesting. I stayed home this evening and graded papers and reading through their journaling essays. I found out in them that three of my students may be moving, Kathleen Kelly, Jeremiah Kite and Jimmy Knicely.  I don’t care that much if Jimmy moves but I would hate see to see Jeremiah and Kathleen leave. I was kind of depressed even over the thought of them moving. 
6 October 1988 Thursday-
I went to a Gay Fathers meeting tonight where there was a good size turn out. I know several people who attend aren’t fathers but are just attracted to the mature men there. Matt Wilson led the meeting and we talked about Political Activism and about our heterosexual marriages.
            After the meeting I came right home and this guy named Jon Urban called me about my Ad on Man2Man. He sounded interesting so I invited him over and we made love. He was really, really great. At least for me and I think I was for him too.
            After we were done fucking we went into the front room and talked while sitting on the couch. We discovered that we knew so many of the same people but we had never met. He was even Lyle Bradley’s roommate so I must have seen him around. It was nearly midnight before I went to bed.
I heard at the Gay and Lesbian Community Council of Utah tonight that Monte Montalvo of the chair of the Anti-Violence Project resigned. I think he was a representative of the Wasatch Leather Men.  
7 October 1988 Friday-
It was a bad day at school. Jeremiah Kite, Jimmy Knicely, and Robert Harden were abusing this poor cat this morning and the police was called on the, Susan McCoy came completely unglued but the Mr. Olearain complimented me on how I handled the situation. But I was heart sick over it because Jeremiah and Robert are mu favorite students. I find it amazing that they were so deliberately cruel to this poor cat. I guess they almost killed it
            I told them when I had them alone that I was too upset to yell at them. I said “the only reason you were even able to get close to that cat was because it trusted you and look how you treated that trust. It was a wicked thing what you did.”   Another boy C.W. who is in Mrs. McCoy’s class was not remorseful at all but my boys were. It was a hard day all around because of this incident.
            In the afternoon for art I had the kids make 3 dimensional paper bats to bring over to the 7-Eleven where the manager likes to display art projects from Sunset Elementary. He gives out free coupons for slurpies for them.
            Travis Stevenson’s mom and Heidi Phelps’ dad met with me after school to discuss their kids low midterm reports. I was so frustrated as they were suggesting that as a new teacher I was at fault rather than their kids not doing their homework. I was so rattled that when I left with Susan to go back to Salt Lake I ran off and left my keys are work.             I had to have the manager let me in.
            In the evening I had a date with this guy named Dave that I met on Man2Man. We went out to the movies and saw “Dead Ringer” with Jeremy Irons in it. I think it was long and tedious more than it was scary.
            Anyway we came back to my apartment but he turned out to be garment wearing hung-up Returned Missionary wimp afraid to do anything intimate. I had him leave anyway because I needed to leave by 10:15 to walk to the Blue Mouse. There about 10 people showed up for the Unconditional Support night at the Rocky Horror Show. It was  wonderful as usual and we had lots of fun. It is still Indian Summer out and the weather is so perfect.
            When I came home there was a message on the answering machine from Man2Man. This guy named Aaron asked if he could come over which he did at 2 in the morning but he was a pot head and couldn’t get it up so nothing happened and I sent him on his way and went to bed. 
8 October 1988 Saturday-
I slept in until 10 this morning and then took the bus up to the HYPER building on campus. I weighed in at 193 pounds and was disappointed I hadn’t lost more weight from all the walking I do. Well it’s better to be losing than gaining.  I sat in the sauna and relaxed. School is back in session and the sauna was too filled to have any encounters but the scenery was nice for sure. This one kid laid out flat on the spot above me naked as a jaybird and that was nice to see him but didn’t dare to anything.
            Back at the apartment I thought it’s time to bring out my Halloween decorations of ceramic pumpkins, and other paraphernalia that I keep. Halloween is my favorite holiday and always has been since I was a kid.
            In the evening I had just planned on staying home after my adventures yesterday. I was watching one of the new shows Empty Nest when Chuck Whyte called and wanted me to go with him and Mason Rankins to register people to vote at the bars. We went to the In-Between where I was only able to register 2 people to vote so I went home about 10:30.
            At home Jon Urban who had come over the other night called and asked if he could come over. I said sure. He’s such a great lover but I am not ready for a relationship, relationship other than perhaps a fuck buddy but he is really good.  
9 October 1988 Sunday
I went to Memory Grove and spent most of the day  there as it was absolutely gorgeous out. I even managed to get a little sun. I just need to get away any pressure and everything just to relax and decompress.
            Becky Moss didn’t call this evening to tape a program for Concerning Gays and Lesbians so I didn’t go out or even to Affirmation. I am still upset with Dave Malmstrom blowing me off about going to see “Bent” but mostly I am tired of the Mormon hang-ups when I am so over them.
            I was really tired and worn out by Jon Urban’s lovemaking last night and I wasn’t going to walk all the way to either KRCL or Affirmation.

10 October 1988 Monday-
Nothing major at school today thank Gawd, except I had a meeting after school let out with my “room moms” to plan classroom parties for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Valentines.
In the evening I took the bus to the Lesbian and Gay Student Union  on campus to see how they are doing. It’s been months since hearing from anyone from there. Loud mouth effete George Marshall was still there lashing out at every one with what he calls a wit. Since Chris Brown is no longer in charge, no one at LGSU wants to run the meeting per se so they are considering having a co-presidency. May be that’s a good thing but it shows that there is no leadership among those attending this semester.

11 October 1988 Tuesday-
It’s the first anniversary of the March on Washington and the AIDS Quilt is being shown there. Today activists shut down the FDA for dragging its feet approving drugs for AIDS carriers. Reagan was burned in effigy and the police used plastic gloves to arrest people. Sadly this protest made more local news here in Utah then the National March did last year. The oppressor only responds to a dramatic show of force be that militaristic or passive resistance.
            At school we had an assembly in the afternoon about cruelty to animals. It had a profound effect on my students I could tell.
            I didn’t get home until nearly 6 this evening and now that Unconditional Support is meeting at 7 , I had to hustle. I had to go to Albertson’s in 2nd South to get refreshments and then be at Crossroads Urban Center to open the meeting. The topic today was National Coming Out Day. We had several new people and I stirred up a lot of people and challenged their fears about coming out. It was a good meeting. There were 30 people at Unconditional Support and we raised $35.00 to give to Beau Chaine for the  Gay Help Line. 
            I heard that Derek Streeter and Jeff Sewell were in a car accident on Sunday down in Los Angeles where they had gone for the Affirmation Conference. They weren’t hurt but Derek wrecked his expensive new car. Why am I smiling?  I bet Derek could have funded the Gay Help Line for three months on what he will have to pay ion the repairs for his new toy. Why are Mormons and Americans in general so materialistic?
            Today was National Coming Out Day. I heard there was a rally at the Federal Building on State Street and 1st South with about 45 people showing up. That was excellent for Utah.  John Bennett spoke and told the local news that he is the grandson of the man whom this federal building was named after, Wallace F. Bennett.

12 October 1988 Wednesday-
It was rainy all day in Sunset. Tomorrow starts a four day weekend. Yay! I had the kids make skeleton mobiles in art and went over the major bones for a health lesson on the skeletal system. Kathleen Kelly checked out of school today so I only have 28 students now. I’ve decided to take away the kid’s afternoon recess because they have been so wild.
            After school, I walked Jeremiah Kite and Robert Harden over to where the owner of the cat lived and they apologized.
            At home David Sharpton called me tonight with some gossip from the Affirmation Conference. He said that Russ Lane and Chuck Thomas have broken up and Chuck now has moved in with Dave Malmstrom. I just howled. I thought it was so funny thinking Chuck must like being a boyfriend with directors of Wasatch Affirmation. But Russ is now with some kid he met from Mexico so he should be happy.  Russ has also
stepped down from being director of the National Affirmation.
            David said that he saw Billy Bikowski at the Interfaith Conference on AIDS at which he spoke. Dave was being cute like he does with me and said to Billy, “Hello Sister Bill.” I guess that really offended him and said so to David. How bizarre.
            Jon Urban is coming over to make love tonight. Yay. I’m reading AndrĂ© Gide’s “Corydon”.  He thinks heterosexuality is just a social construct and that homosexuality is natural in all civilizations. It’s good.  
13 October 1988-Thursday
There was no school today because of the Utah Education Association’s conference and the deer hunt. So I went to Valley bank  first thing to take care of some Beyond Stonewall business. I took Mike Buck and John Reeves officially off the Beyond Stonewall checking account and transferred the funds into a savings account to be seed money for next year.
 Ben Barr gave me a ride home since he saw me waiting for a bus and asked me if I was going to the Utah Education Association Conference because he had an AIDS information booth and asked if I would sit in at it. I said certainly.
Down at the UEA Conference that was held in the Salt Palace, I walked around and looked at most of the booths and what people had to offer.
 In the evening I went to Gay Fathers because I was asked to give a talk on Gay Activism. The group is now being run by John Bush and Matt Wilson as co-directors. While there I asked John Bush if he would be willing to be an assistant director with me for Beyond Stonewall next year in lieu of Mike Buck who resigned. He agreed to be on board.
There was a candlelight vigil on the Utah State Capitol’s steps for the Third Annual AIDS Awareness Week. Eighty-nine white bags containing candles in the shape of a heart were placed on the State Capitol steps.  
14 October 1988 Friday-
I went back down to the Utah Education Association Conference at the Salt Palace and helped staff the Salt Lake AIDS Foundation’s booth. I also looked around some more. Governor Bangerter is mad that he wasn’t invited to speak at the conference. Last year he was asked to attend but didn’t.  This state is so anti-union.
            I took the bus to the HYPER building on campus and even though I was on a diet all last week I gained 2 pounds! Disappointing but at least I still must be healthy.
            Anyway, this evening was kind of fun. I decided to go see “The Last Dance of Salome” at Cinema In Your Face  and while I was walking down, Ben Barr again saw me and gave me a ride. Once at the theater I saw that I was too early so I walked over to the Blue Mouse. On the way over I came across Craig Hunter and Adrian Ruiz having dinner together on the patio at the Cedars of Lebanon. I stopped to visit and got Craig’s new phone number. That made me happy seeing them.
            At the Cosmic Aeroplane, I looked at the books in their Gay section and then walked back over to Sam Weller’s Bookstore on Main Street. I want to read “Mormon Murders” and “Salamander”  really a lot. They are about the Mark Hoffman bombings.
            Anyway I went back to Cinema In Your Face at 9:30 there I saw Gary and Ron Richardson and they had me come sit with them. I hadn’t seen them in a long time either. They are graduating from college this year. Salome was really bizarre as is most of Ken Russell’s films are but I liked it a lot.
            After the show that got out at 11:30 I started walking home on Broadway and Main when I see Elbert Peck out walking. He was so surprised to see me.  We walked back to Bandaloops that was still open to visit and catch up with things. He had just gotten back from touring England and he said he had just come from some party where he had received some award of some type for journalism or writing. I can’t remember which.  Elbert is the editor of the Sunstone Magazine. We played “strip gin” cards at Bandaloops and it was so much fun seeing Elbert. It’s been over 15 years since was first met as college lads in Heleman Halls at BYU.
            Anyway at midnight after having coffee, we walked back downtown and he went his way and I went mine. As I was nearing home I saw Kevin Clark and Danny Brujillo driving by and when they saw me they pulled over to talk to me. So it was a weird night all evening long of running into people I hadn’t seen in a while.  That was lots of fun.  Kevin and Danny invited me over for dinner tomorrow.
            I didn’t make it to bed until after 1:30.  Yesterday my lover Jon Urban came over. It’s really a nice arrangement. He’s really great in bed and there’s no head games.            
15 October 1988 Saturday-
I cleaned the apartment but mostly just got ready for dinner with Kevin Clark and Danny Brujillo. They came and picked me up and at their place Dale Zellmer and his boyfriend Ned joined us.  It was good to be vesting with all of them.
Afterwards  at 8:30 in the evening Danny Brujillo. Kevin Clark, and Dale Zellmer took me to the Unitarian Church to help get the community dance ready.  It was Affirmation’s time to host the dance.
However Dave Malmstrom said that he had just worked a 24 hour shift and said that he was really exhausted so I basically watched the door, took the money, and stayed until 1 in the morning to clean up.
 At the dance Dave and I made some plans for the Thanksgiving Community Dinner and for a Dance for the 24th of November. I talked to Chris Brown briefly about it even though he’s technically not the President of the Lesbian and Gay Student Union  anymore.  But probably will have Affirmation bring plates, drinks, and set up the tables.  Maybe I can get the Youth Group and Gay Father’s involved also.
Each organization made $20 off the dance tonight. That will help pay for our Gay Information Line. $50 went to the Unitarian Church to rent the hall and we paid Richard Morris $20 for doing the music.
 I got some juicy information from Rocky O’Donovan. He’s been doing research on Gay History in the Mormon Church from 1847-1947.  He’s done research in the church’s archives and lots of interviews. Anyway he gave a talk at the National Affirmation Conference in California last week on some of his research and when he returned home last Tuesday he found a note on his door. It was from a friend of his who works at the Mormon archives who warned him that he had been banned from the archives.
Rocky went down to see the head of church security to find out why he would be banned from doing research in the church’s archives. The goon basically told him to shut up and that the archives were a private collection and they can do whatever they like with it.
Getting nowhere there, Rocky then went and talked to Steve Sorenson who is the head of the archives. Sorenson confirmed that Rocky was indeed on a list of people banned from using the archives and Sorenson said it came from the highest authority. Evidently the Mormon Church had a spy at the Affirmation Conference in Los Angeles who reported on Rocky’s talk back to his bosses.
In Rocky’s talk, he insinuated that his research indicated that Joseph Fielding Smith, Mormon Patriarch of the church in the 1940’s, and Richard L. Evens, a general authority who did the spoken word for years, were homosexuals.
This and the picketing down at temple square calling for the resignation of Gordon B. Hinckley for homosexual immoral conduct must have raised the ire of some pretty important Mormon big shots.
Evidently there is this man named Charles Van Dam from Arizona who is making accusation that he and Hinckley, back in 1962, had sexual relations. Van Dam is now dying of AIDS and was excommunicated personally from the Mormon Church by Hinckley. Whatever is true, I guess the Mormon mucky-mucks are afraid of another scandal on the heels of the Mark Hoffman fiasco that verification of any of this information might bring about.
So the Zion Curtain has come down again. Rocky said that he heard from his friends at BYU that the university has begun a crack down on the Gays there again. 

16 October 1988 Sunday-
I called John Reeves in Boston this afternoon. He said that he was working two jobs but still is hopeful that he will be hired in a teaching position in Washington DC.  I told him about what is going on here and he filled me in on what he’s heard about what’s happening at BYU.  He said that his friends from the Utah Valley Men’s Group said that BYU is threatening Gay students with expulsion unless they agree to undergo a treatment they call “Reorientation Therapy”. I cringed when I heard that. Aversion Therapy rears its ugly head again.
BYU’s goon squads are also copying down license plate numbers parked at Gay Bars, and Gay organizations, and cruising spots to match against their records. John Reeves said to watch out for informants because BYU is sending spies to Gay Organizations and general practicing unethical, immoral and fascist behavior again doing the “Lord’s Work.”  Geoff McGrath President of the Utah Valley Men’s Group has already been called in to standards.
Jon Urban called in the afternoon and wanted to come over to see me. We made love for most of the afternoon
I walked up to Affirmation in the evening where they were having a reorganization meeting.  I wanted to be there for that. Neil Hoyt and I had to leave at 8:30 to get to Back Street for the Annual Unity Show but before I left I said my piece. I said that the Wasatch Affirmation did not descend from heaven carved in stone. It was created by people like Russ Lane and you and me. We created it and we can make it into anything we want.
Russ Lane did a superb job in organizing the Wasatch Chapter but I personally feel that his vision was flawed. It’s time to correct that. Affirmation can continue to be just a “holding pen” for Mormons  who are unwilling to deal with their Gay identity or it can become what I think it should be, a First Aid Station for the Mormon walking wounded helping them make the transition into a healthy Gay self image. Its war time folks and lots of people are bleeding.
Anyway as I was leaving, Billy Bikowski gets up and stops me. He asked me where I was going and I said I had to be at the Unity Show to represent Unconditional Support. He then surprised me by holding me and asking how I was . I said lonesome for you. I then brushed the hair off his brow and kissed it as I left to go with Neil Hoyt  to Backstreet.
Chuck Whyte presented his 7th  Annual Unity Show, a variety performance to unify the Gay community. I sat with Chris Brown and Mark Kraft. Neil Hoyt performed for Affirmation and his number was cute. Dr. Patty Reagan spoke for the Salt Lake AIDS Foundation and she was great as always but I was tired and I left for home at 10:30.
I’m not writing anything for the Triangle this month. They can either publish what I wrote for the October Issue and didn’t print or do without. I’m not going to advertise the Thanksgiving dinner with them either.  
17 October 1988 Monday-
It’s really hard to go back to work after a four day weekend. I was tired all morning, actually all day because I didn’t get much sleep last night and 6 in the morning comes early. Thank goodness it just a half day today.
            Anyway after school , I was finally able to deposit some checks, I had been hanging on to for a while.
            At 6 this evening Scott from the Gay Fathers gave me a ride down to Provo so I could be a guest speaker at the Utah Valley Men’s Group. I gave a talk on Gay History and Gay Liberation Through Political Activism. The Utah Valley Men’s Group is under attack by BYU’s goon squad. Standards have been copying down license plates of cars with BYU parking stickers and I.D. number of cars parked at the group meeting and compiling a list of people attending the group.
The Men’s Group responded, by sending a letter to the Standard’s Office requesting a copy of BYU’ new policy, which was refused naturally. However. unbeknownst to BYU, the group acquired a copy anyhow from a Gay man who works in the office. Well my talk went well, if long. Beau Chaine and Mike Howard attended the meeting. It was good to see Mike again. I love his scrawny butt from our Restoration Church days.
Anyway Scott got me home by 10 and I was in bed by 10:30. I am so tired. Scott is a nice man but no intellectual. He’s not out of the closet either in any political sense. In fact he reminds me a lot of my sister Charline, kind of boring but sweet.  
18 October 1988 Tuesday-
It was a bad day at Block Rock. The kids were so resentful of not having their second recess. It was not a pretty sight. From reading the kids daily journals, they are pretty explicit in their feelings.
Anyway, Allan Petersen couldn’t make it to Unconditional Support tonight so I led the meeting on “Pro and Anti-Gay Rhetoric”. Dale Zellmer announced at the meeting that he has full blown AIDS. He found out just last weekend.
After the meeting Billy Bikowski came in and sat next to me which took me by surprise. I fell into the trap of stroking his hair and wanting to hold him. He then says to me “I’m feeling uncomfortable with the affection you are showing me.”  Reality hit me again.
So I went back to the group and hugged people. I did my Ben duties. I then pushed everyone out of the Urban center so I could lock up and there outside Billy was waiting for me. I was not going to Dee’s for coffee and I really didn’t want to be with him but he walked with me on my way back to my apartment. I just shut my feelings down and when we did talk to each other it was meaningless. Inside the building, we stopped  at my door. He hesitated so I asked him to come in. he said no. I said I was only being polite anyway. I really didn’t care.
I went to bed at 9:30 but my head is swimming with thoughts of Billy.  
19 October 1988 Wednesday
Although I went to bed early last night, it was after 11 before I fell asleep and 6 in the morning came too early.
            On the ride to Sunset I talked to Susan McCoy about switching Heidi and Ernest in each of our classes to see if that would correct their behavior problems. At school we talked as a class about why the last recess was suspended and how they could solve the problem. I had the kids write down the names of who they thought were the worst offenders. I could see a definite pattern who even the class thought were trouble makers. Actually I knew who they were before I even had the results back.  I will just keep those kids in until their behavior improves and let the rest out.  
20 October 1988 Thursday-
After coming home from work, I just stayed in and watched some television. I think I am trying to fight off either hay fever or another cold. I really didn’t do a heck of a lot.
            I did get a call from Theresa Watanabe, a reporter from the San Jose Mercury News. She called me about a news story she was doing on Gay Mormons and Gordon B. Hinckley.
Later in the evening a frightened Rocky O'Donovan came over to my apartment with a copy of the research he has been doing.  He asked me if I would keep a copy to hide it from church security, who have been trailing him. The Church’s goon squad have interrogated some of Rocky’s intelligential friends who are part  of the Mormon Historical Underground.  This one friend of his was interrogated for 1 and ½ hours on what she knew about Rocky O'Donovan. They were threatening her with blackballing her from the archives also if she didn’t cooperate. Rocky said his friends are frightened by all the harassment the Church Security is giving them because they know him.
This kid named DeVere from Tooele called me on Man2Man and asked me out on a date tomorrow. 
21 October 1988 Friday
It’s still beautiful fall weather and in the mid seventies. It’s been a wonderful fall weather-wise.
            When I came home from work, I straightened up the place some and got ready for my date with DeVere. He came over at 8 this evening right after having an encounter with this guy named Tim.
            DeVere and I went to see Halloween Part IV which was filmed here in Utah up in the Avenues. It was pretty predictable and had none of John Carpenter’s flair.
            After the movie, we came back home and we made out. We tried having sex but DeVere was too uptight. 
22 October 1988 Saturday
It was a lazy day. I took the bus out to Valley Fair Mall and walked around looking at clothes and what the fall fashions are. I went to the show and saw “Crocodile Dundee” for a buck. It’s deer hunting season. I hate Utah’s deer hunt.
            I stayed home this evening and watched television. It’s my nieces 17th birthday and Grandpa Williams would have been 86 today.  
23 October 1988 Sunday
Fran called to visit. I sent her the Family Health Plan Insurance card so she has health insurance. She said she and Vince wet over to Lionel and Linda Suazo to make arrangements for them to pay that $1000 phone bill. I think Vince is so good for Fran and she said that se and Vince would eventually get married. I am happy about that.
            Mark Lamar called from Indiana saying he’s living in Indianapolis now and is doing okay.
In the late afternoon Dave Malmstrom, John Bush and I met for our first official Beyond Stone ’89 meeting. Basically we talked in kitchen of the Unitarian Church and went over the outline John Reeves had laid out for Beyond Stonewall ’88. We decided that the three of us would be the General Directors. I would be the Executive Director and John and Dave Assistant Directors. Our next meeting will be on Sunday November 13th. I will bring checking signature cards for Dave and John then so they can be on the account.
At Affirmation tonight Dave Sharpton said that a new piece of legislation being drafted is again trying to push for mandatory reporting of HIV positives to the state. A video of the movie Maurice was shown  tonight so Dave Malmstrom and I left and went and got some coffee.
The AIDS Project Utah’s AIDS Awareness Week Benefit was canceled tonight and people from that community are ready to lynch Richard Starley. I don’t know how he thought he could have put on a major function with no Gay community support. He’s alienated everyone from the Gay community by sucking up to the Straight Community.
Randy Olson is going to the meeting with the Bureau of Epidemiology as a representative for Unconditional Support this Wednesday.
In the polls George Bush is running ahead of Dukakis and I’m afraid we might be in for four more years of Republican corruption like with Contra Aid and the CIA scandal. It scares the hell out of me to have that former CIA bastard trying to run the show.  
24 October 1988 Monday-
I am tired this morning. I am so glad that school was over by 1:30. We had a meeting with Jack Olearain, my principal about what I need to prepare for my review this November. Ugh.
            Anyway I came home wanting to just unwind and stay home to watch some television  when Dean Shutes and Rick Malkovich called and wanted to know how to get to the Lesbian and Gay Student Union . Dave Sharpton was the guest speaker there tonight. There was no way I could simply tell them how to get there so I said if they would come get me I would go up with them to Orson Spencer Hall.
            I was kind of glad I did because I found out who the new leaders of LGSU are. They Liz Pitts, Garth Chamberlain, Joe Dewey and a gal named Lisa.  I don’t think I can work with Garth or Joe but I think Liz is a wonderful choice.  I don’t know who Lisa is.
David Sharpton said another bad mandatory reporting bill is coming before the legislature in January that the Gay community should be alarmed about.
At the meeting I talked briefly to Chris Brown about the Halloween Dance this Saturday. The Lesbian and Gay Student Union  is in charge of it but Chris Brown is not in charge of the Lesbian and Gay Student Union anymore so I wonder how that will go. So I don’t know what will happen with the Community Dances and Events we jointly sponsored.
 Garth Chamberlain is no longer running the Youth Group. I heard Melissa Sillitoe and her girlfriend Michelle Davies are the main leaders now if not officers.
When I came home and was just getting ready for bed, I received a call on the Man2Man date line who sounded interesting so I agreed for him to come over. His name is Curtis Scott originally from Tooele. He was incredible. He was a tall cowboy with black hair, blue eyes, and was a fantastic lover.
After he was spent, we were relaxing in each other’s arms and we began to talk about how familiar we seemed to each other. Then I said, “I remember where I know you from.” When Fran worked at that Acrylic Nail place near Valley Fair Mall, three years ago, he worked there as a tanning booth operator.  He and Fran were movie buddies. He only saw me a few times when I went to pick Fran up from work, but he remembered Fran really well. I thought he was extremely handsome back then when he was about 20 years old but he has filled out now and is gorgeous.  We laughed about Salt Lake City being a small world.
Curtis stayed until 12:30 in the morning after giving him a good massage. He said he was tired from having gone deer hunting. I hope we can go a movie sometime and become good friends or lovers.  
25 October 1988 Tuesday-
I was dragging ass all day at work from getting to bed so late and at 6 in the morning now it’s pitch black out . Even though I was extremely tired, I was in a very good mood and smiling all day from the good loving I received last night.
            I didn’t get home from Sunset until 5:30 in the late afternoon. I had to drop my library books off at the central library and that also took some time. I finished reading John DeMilio’s Sexual Politics and Sexual Communities. A must reading! Absolutely transforming.
Then I made about five dozen chocolate chip cookies for Unconditional Support. Scott from the Anti-Violence Project was our speaker tonight.  It was an emotional topic and pulled up some deep feelings. Rick Malkovich at one point in the meeting started berating me and said he didn’t like me forcing my political ideas down everyone’s throat. I defended myself by responding that I don’t believe I do that. I always preface my responses by saying “this is how I feeland I’m entitled to my views as much as you are to yours.”
 Unconditional Support has always been an open forum where Gay people talk about everything and anything without restriction. I may have had a few detractors tonight, most noticeably Mark Kraft and Derek Streeter, but I had many defenders too. I love the dynamics of stirring people out of their complacency.
I said told my critics, “You come to Unconditional Support because of what you find here which you don’t find anywhere else in Utah. You talk about things here you could never talk to your families, church leaders, and non-Gay friends.” I was not about to apologize for my Liberationist views for they liberate myself as well as the group.
It’s funny how some people will criticize liberals like myself who create forums for  views like Rick’s, while his narrow conservative defeatism would never allow a forum for my views. I did however say to dissidents “If Unconditional Support does not meet your needs by all means create a new organization that will but don’t go tearing me down.”
When I found that there were organizations that I didn’t feel comfortable being in, I didn’t change them to suit me.  I created organizations that might attract like minded people.
I will not allow emotionally dysfunctional people to destroy Unconditional Support. If they choose to follow their internal homophobic path, fine, but I do not choose to go down that road.  I think I was a little more vocal tonight because I was tired.  I didn’t go out to coffee but went right home.
 Ben Barr then called me to give me names of people who want to do some AIDS quilt panels for the Utah AIDS Memorial Quilt Project. There is a renewed interest in the project now that the Names Project will be bringing portions of the quilt to Utah as part of a national tour. 
I talked to Chuck Whyte the other day about meeting with Bruce Harmon for an accounting of the money we raised last Spring. It’s about $300 and is just sitting in an account somewhere. We have not had a formal meeting of the AIDS Quilt Project since last April.
I tried going to bed early tonight but David Sharpton called me about 10 needing to talk. He just had his lover Rob evicted from the apartment by the police when Rob started beating up on David again. The police told Rob, “Obviously you can’t deal with the fact you are Gay and its cowardly to strike someone with AIDS who is weaker than you.”  Well that ends the sad tale of Rob and Dave. 
26 October 1988 Wednesday-
School was fine and we had an assembly on Nancy Reagan’s “Say No to Drugs”.
            Becky Moss called me this evening and said she missed me and my input on Concerning Gays and Lesbians. I told her I missed doing the show. I then told her that Affirmation has been going through some changes and I felt I needed to be there for that but now I am ready to get back on the air waves. She said the new guy Jim Rieger is absolutely wonderful and has the engineering aspect of the show down pat so Becky Moss can take an evening off and we can still do a show. Yay.
            I had planned on staying home and going to bed early  but a man named Kevin who I met at the library about three weeks ago called and asked me out on a date tomorrow.
            Then when I was about to get into bed at 9, Jon Jacobs Schilds, a man I know casually from Affirmation knocked on my door. He said he was in trouble, He had been arrested in the park and needed someone to talk with. He stayed for about an hour pouring out his woes. I advised him to call my lawyer friend Kevin McCloskey and don’t do anything drastic. I told him to draw upon the inner strength he has and rely on his faith in Jesus Christ.
            Jon seemed to have been comforted so I told him I had to get some sleep and he left at 10. When I was about asleep the phone rang. It was Jon Urban my Jewish lover. He woke me from my sleep and I was really groggy. I said I was too exhausted to get together but after I hung up and was now awake, a man named Renn called from the Man2Man dateline.
            Well I was up now and he seemed interesting, so I agreed for him to come over. We made love until midnight and then he left and I was finally able to get some sleep.  Renn was nice but there was no chemistry like with Curtis Scott. Jon is also great in bed but not like Curtis.
In the news the Soviet Union and the United States worked together to free two trapped whales in the arctic circle. George Bush is a head of Mike Dukakis in the polls. God help us.  
27 October 1988-Thursday-
After I came home from work, I got cleaned up for my date with Kevin but he never called and I was stood up. I was slightly disappointed but I was tired too from school so I was just as glad I didn’t go out.
Today is Chuck Whyte’s birthday and Matt Wilson was hosting a Halloween Party for Gay Fathers and while I was invited I didn’t go because I had kept expecting Kevin to show up.  . 
28 October 1988 Friday
            Our  school pictures came back today and I was really pleased with mine . It turned out well. I witnessed a really bad accident on the way home from work with Susan McCoy. A car swerved on the shoulder of the off ramp, spun around and collided with a truck, then flipped over. We stopped and fortunately as far as we could tell no one was seriously hurt. We left out names with the police for their report.
At home, I sat down and wrote both Mom and Grandma Johnson a letter enclosing a photograph of me.
            I planned on just staying home all night but Satu Servigna called and asked if I would help put flyers on cars at the bars. I said I would but I was later relieved when I didn’t have to after all.
            I am on such a feeding frenzy lately. I don’t know why. I’ve surely gained 10 pounds  this week. I bought two large pizzas Oink Oink. Well I can’t hate myself for it and I should and do thank God that I am gaining weight and not losing it because of illness. People with AIDS can’t keep weight on.  
29 October 1988 Saturday-
I bought a UB40 Compact Disc today. It’s the first CD I’ve ever bought even though I don’t own a CD player just a record player.
The Halloween Community Dance began at tonight. I asked Randy Olsen to have me there by 8 so I could set up.  But he never showed so thank goodness Eric Christensen came by and took me up to the Unitarian Church.
The Lesbian and Gay Student Union  had hardly done any decorating so I am glad I brought all my Halloween paraphernalia. I made homemade root beer with dry ice and again hardly anyone brought refreshments. We had about 50 people there or more We made enough money to hold a dance in November and December.
I dressed in Mike Anderson’s old sheep costume. It was very cute.
The dance lasted until 1:00 in the morning and  I was kind of out of it all evening so I didn’t much care about the dance although it looked like people were having fun. I stayed until 2 in the morning cleaning up and Neil Hoyt took me home.
We turn the clocks back tonight.  
30 October 1988 Sunday-
I tried cleaning up the apartment but I sometimes think What’s the use? Mike Anderson and I talked on the phone for a long time this afternoon. He has the blues because he doesn’t have a lover. What is going on with me having too many men over for sex?
I did two radio programs with Becky Moss and Jim Rieger, one on Unconditional Support and the other was on Political Activism since the elections are next week.  So now we won’t have to come back to the studio until November 13th. 
31 October 1988 Monday-
Today is Halloween and it’s a beautiful warm fall day. the kids were so cute in their Halloween costumes they wore at school. Nathan and Jeremiah Kite both came in drag. The room mothers provided cookies and punch for a Halloween party in the afternoon. I read to the class The Legend of Sleepy Hallow.
            I was awfully tired from today when I came home. I did not plan on going out at all for any Halloween activities.  John Reeves called me from Boston and it sounded like things were fine back there. He’s just a biding his time until something opens up for him.
I stayed home and watched Nightmare On elm Street when at 9 Rocky O'Donovan and his boyfriend Robert Erichssen came over to discuss Rocky’s idea of forming a Gay Archives.  We tossed around a couple of ideas with my suggestion that we form a Gay Historical Society and Archives.
I wanted Rocky to be the director because I am way over committed but I said I would be his assistant director and Robert agreed to serve as Secretary/Treasurer. I want to do some oral histories with early pioneers of the Gay community and learn more of our early traditions. I’m glad we got together on Halloween to start this because as far as I am concern Halloween is the end of one year and the beginning of another.
Today is Dan Fahndrich’s birthday.

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