Sunday, November 4, 2018

March 1988

1 March 1988 Tuesday-
This morning, I turned in my test project to Wendy at Lineages and she liked it so much that she said she’d pay me for the work although I won’t see the money until next Tuesday.  She put me on as a contract worker for the first 90 days getting paid $6 an hour but after that if I work out it would go up.
            Dennis McCafferty invited me over for dinner this Friday the sweet thing after learning what happened to me at Utah Title. He even gave me $5 for gas money.
            I went to the genealogical library to do some research on a project that Bruce Harmon gave me to do.
Afterwards I went to Unconditional Support tonight and Ken Francis gave the lesson on Gay Male Cruising. John Reeves didn’t come tonight because his work schedule is so hectic this week. We went to coffee at Dee’s after the meeting.

2 March 1988 Wednesday
I worked all day down at the genealogical library and now I have a massive headache from going through so many microfilms ad doing the research.  When I was home Steve Brackenbury came over for a little bit to visit, He said he decided not to move to Logan because he wouldn’t be making that much more money and would miss the friends he’s made here. He’s even poorer than I am, can you believe it? I gave him a big jar of peanut butter to help him out. It’s an awful feeling to be hungry.
            Randy Olson bought his Beyond Stonewall ticket today so I have received $90 back from the $150 I had put up for the deposit. I paid my for my ticket out of the money owed me so I should still get $15 back from the remainder. Yesterday I received a $50 advance from Lineages so I have about $100 in the bank now but my $200 rent for March is due. 
At least the weather has been wonderful like an early spring.

3 March 1988-Thursday
            I worked on my genealogical project almost all day. Today John Reeves defended his dissertation at BYU for his Ph.D. today. At The Gay and Lesbian Community Council of Utah he said he passed so congratulation. I knew he would and I’m so happy for him.
            Today was a hectic day and up at the University, there was a debate on whether congress should support a bill to protect Gay Rights. I wanted to be there to listen but it was the election of new officers at community council so it was important that I be there as I was nominating John Reeves for Vice Chair. 
The meeting was sparse because of the debate going on campus which drew off many community leaders. Anyway Jim Hunsaker and Lyle Bradley were nominated for the position of chair and Jim overwhelmingly winning to replace John Bennett as Chair.
Then John Reeves and Lyle Bradley were nominated for Vice Chair and the first vote was a tie of 13 to 13. Greg Garcia and I were the vote counters so we had to call for a second vote. This vote was 11 to 15 in Lyle’s favor, however our bylaws state that elections had to be by a 2/3 majority so we had to vote again. Actually there were six more ballots taken with no one giving an inch. I was so proud of John for holding his own as a relative new comer.
Finally Lyle Bradley knowing this could go on all night and not having a mandate made a concession speech of sorts and threw his support to John. Lyle’s reasons were that he didn’t want the council to be divided and he said his first passion was the Anti-Violence Project anyway. On the 7th vote John was elected by a 2/3 majority.
Mark Lamar and Rev. Rev. Bruce Barton were nominated for the position of Secretary Treasurer with Bruce winning a 2/3 majority of the first ballot.
 John Bennett  had moved to San Diego and Satu Servigna became ill with a chronic disease so that is why we had this off year election. This was the first and last meeting chaired by Satu Servigna who you could tell was visibly ill. Jim Hunsaker thus assumed the Chair to relieve Satu and he read a letter from Rep. Wayne Owens in which he said that he would be supporting Congress’ Gay anti- discrimination bill. 
A city wide month long food drive sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian Community Council of Utah was proposed by Chuck Whyte for the Cross Road Urban Center’s food pantry was past tonight.
John Reeves and I left right after the meeting to go up to the U of U in order to hear the rest f the debates but we only got the tail end of it. John saw Barbara his estranged wife there which freaked him out so we left in a hurry. He wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation. However Chris Brown told me later that the debate was wonderful.
Anyway after dropping me off at 10, I heard on my phone message recorder a message from Billy Bikowski asking me to call him which I did. He said he wanted to pay me back some of the money he owes me. He also wanted me to come see him to get the money and I said I would. At first I didn’t want to take his money then I reconsidered because I do need it and he needs to pay his debts, even to me. Besides taking the money maybe means I am getting over him.
After picking him up we went to Snelgrove’s Ice cream parlor on 4th South where he ordered a sundae. However It was not a pleasant time being with him. He gave me $50 a d when I took him back home to his place in the Avenues, I realized that I wished I had not come for him.  Still too much heartache.

4 March 1988- Friday
            I spent all day at the Genealogical Library. I also I distributed copies of the Triangle Community Digests to Acoustic  Music, The Gingerbread House, The central Library, The Magazine Shop, Hyatts Magazine store, and to KRCL.
I thought about Billy Bikowski a lot today. I really don’t want him upsetting my life anymore. I was surprised to see in the mail that Mom sent me a $25 check. She was probably feeling guilty and I suppose Mom and dad are doing the best they can.
In the evening I drove down to Midvale and had a wonderful evening with Dennis McCafferty and his lover Rob Barr. They’re bought a cute little house  together out there. For dinner they fixed steaks and a baked potato. It was yummy and we just visited getting to know each other better. Dennis said he admired my commitment to the Gay community. I had a nice enjoyable time.

5 March 1988- Saturday
This morning I had a scheduling meeting with Chris Brown as head of the Lesbian and Gay Student Union  and David Malmstrom director of Wasatch Affirmation to plan monthly Saturday dances to be held at the Salt Lake Central City Community Center or the Unitarian Church.   These are tentative dates for dances for this year we came up with for the rest of the year- April 23rd, May 14th, June 4th, June 18th, July 2nd, July 16th, August 6th. August 20th, September 17th, October 15th, October 29th, November 12th December 17th and December 31st.
 We also discussed how disappointed we are in The Youth Group and their failure to follow through on the objectives we had asked them to do if they wanted our support.  Garth Chamberlain is now saying he doesn’t want any adult supervision at all.
I was at the genealogical Library until they closed and then stayed home all evening and watched Golden Girls on TV.   John Reeves wanted me to go out but I begged off. I’ve got to make some decisions about my life. I just can’t be drifting around but as Dolly Parton says “Wildflowers don’t care where they grow.”

6 March 1988-Sunday-
It was a rainy day. In the afternoon John reeves and I went to the $1 theater because that’s about all we both can afford. We saw “Throw Momma from the Train” with Danny DeVito and Ann Ramsey in it. She is up for a academy award for her performance and she was wonderful in it.
In the evening, when I went to pick up Ben Barr to take him to KRCL to tape a program on AIDS, it was lightening and thundering. Then hail came down hard and then snow! Weird.
The taping went well and we discussed the AIDS bills that Utah passed and are up for the Governor’s signature.. We talked about Senate Bill 113 and House Bill 220 both which are fragrantly unconstitutional. They would force people suspected of being in the high risk group to be mandatory tested for AIDS and would make it criminal to know of someone testing positive without reporting it. Super scary. Especially when Rep. Jack Bangerter from Bountiful said he wanted to round up all the homosexuals paint us green and put us on Antelope Island in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. 
Afterwards Ben and I went to the Deerhunter and we had a beer. It was the first beer I’ve had in months. I did not like it as I am not much of a beer drinker.

7 March 1988 Monday-
            I went down to the Central City Community Center and gave them a $100 deposit to hold the multipurpose room for our jointly sponsored dance on the 26th. In the evening I went to a  Triangle Community Digest meeting at Satu’s place on M Avenue. I want to get involved in learning the actual production of the magazine. The March issue was absolutely wonderful.

8 March 1988 Tuesday
 I finished a project and brought it down to Lineages. They paid me an additional $10 for the remainder of my last project. Anyway I called Park City’s school district to put in an application to teach there this fall and after that I cleaned my filthy apartment for most of the day and did up my laundry. I hadn’t done either since the middle of February as I had been so bummed out by everything.
            I made five dozen chocolate chip cookies for Unconditional Support tonight. Randy Olsen called and said he wouldn’t be able to lead the meeting tonight so I had to come up with something quick.
David Sharpton also called and wanted to address the group about Senate Bill  113 and House Bill  220 that dealt punitively towards people with AIDS. He wants to encourage everyone to call Governor Bangerter  and get him to not sign the bills into law. David Sharpton has been up on Capitol Hill making himself known as a person with AIDS and knows more about what these Bills would do then anyone I know.  He's been making the rounds to all the other community organizations sounding the alarm. 
These Bills would be the first step to quarantining people with AIDS and restricting the free association of Gay people to meet together.  That idiot Rep. Bangerter from Bountiful said that people with AIDS should be painted red and put on Antelope Island. These bills are a major threat to our civil rights.  If they pass I will seriously consider moving from Utah because it would be too risky living here.
Anyway the meeting went well. I thought we would have a small crowd but we had at least 35 people in attendance. We talked about Gay Classified Ads and I had everyone write one and then shared them. Then we discussed our feelings about placing personal ads. It was a fun meeting. Afterward Curtis Jensen took some to the show and others went to Dee’s for coffee. We probably had 20 going out for coffee.
I saw Scott Anderson at the meeting again. I still feel something for that man. I wrote my history column article for the Triangle tonight on Leonardo Da Vinci.

9 March 1988 Wednesday
It is hard to know which day it is anymore without being at Utah Title. It rained for most of the day and even snowed this evening so Winter is not over yet.
I went up to the Genealogical Library at 4 this afternoon and worked until they closed at 10 tonight. When I came home, I called Mason Rankin who had left a message stating that he was organizing a picket of the governor’s mansion on South Temple Monday night to demand he veto HB 113 and SB 220.  Mason is also planning a candlelight vigil at the governor mansion.
Eric Christensen came by for a little while too. He brought me a beautiful oil canyon landscape painting that he said he did especially for me. It’s just lovely. We talked about Billy Bikowski which made me miss my darling Billy.
Anyway John Reeves called and said he was tired and stressed out by the changes he had to make to his dissertation. He also spoke with Allan Gundry, the supposedly LDS Church liaison to the Gay community. John said he sees no change at all in the church’s attitude or policy towards Gays.

10 March 1988-Thursday-
I spent all day writing up my report on the Williams project for Lineages. I am burned out. In the evening, John Reeves and I went to the movies  and saw a Molly Ringwald film called “For Keeps.” It was pretty good. Before that I dropped off my article on Leonardo Da Vinci for the Triangle along with two short news items at the Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church along with two other news items.
 I saw Curtis Jensen at the Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church   and he said that Lyle Bradley had lost his job at KSL because of a major lay off and will being moving from the state. Should I stay or go? What to do. I am getting worried about having no money. Should I just go back to work somewhere full time?
In the news Andy Gibb of the Bee Gees died only at the age of 30. Also Devine, the Gay Drag Queen died on Monday I think.
The weather has turned cold and snowy again.

11 March 1988 Friday
It was a bitch of a day. Job Service sent my unemployment claim back to me because I had forgotten to mark something on their forms. I wonder now how long that will hold up my unemployment check..
Then Lineages called me up and said they wanted more photographs for the report I did already. So in the evening I had to go back to the genealogical library and spend money I don’t have copy photographs to include. The crux of the matter is now I might not get paid for that project for a while.
In the late afternoon James Conrad came over  from his apartment down the hall. He was blue and just needed someone to talk to because he and Frank Fatah had broken up. James is such a sterling person and Frank is a great fool to let him go.
I called Canyon Anderson who is now working for Backman Title to see if there were any positions over there as I am getting concerned about my financial situation. He said that there was nothing really available right now.

12 March 1987 Saturday-
The AIDS Quilt Open House was kind if a flop today. Only  one person showed up!  I told Bruce Harmon that if the project will buy the materials I will make a panel  this weekend.  I think people need something visual to see to catch the vision of this project.  He agreed and gave me some money to go buy some material.
I decided to do one for Michael Spense also known as “Tracy Ross”. I never met him but John Bennett said he wanted one done for him and since John is gone to California I decided to do it for him instead. I should have done one long before now anyway as its almost 6 months since I went to the March of Washington.  
I worked all day on it, hand stitching the lettering and designs. All I knew about him was that he was a drag queen so I made it glitzy and sparkly on a black velvet background. 
In the evening John Reeves and I went to the Gay Community Council’s Talent Show fundraiser held at Backstreet over on 5th West and 1st South. What another flop. We only collected $33!
I am upset with Steve Brackenbury and Michael Anderson for flaking out on the talent show. Steve called me just a half an hour before it was to begin to tell me that no body from Unconditional Support came through to do anything. I am tired of people fluffing off their commitments.

13 March 1988 Sunday-
I didn’t leave the house all day as I working on the quilt panel and after I finished it, I dropped it off at 7 p.m. at the Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church down of 6th East because Rev. Bruce Barton said that he would hem it for me since I don’t have a sewing machine.
            I then went to KRCL on 8th South to do a taping but again Becky Moss was a no show without telling me. I am sick of that too.  So I went up to Affirmation which was meeting in the Unitarian Church on 13th East instead. I saw Jeff Wood there and I loved flirting with him and now I have a crush on him. Shawn Hughes is back from California and it was fun to see the cute kid.

14 March 1988-Monday
This morning I did some walking and went down to the Central City Community Center to pay them $60 for the dance on the 26th. Then I walked over to Guardian State Bank on 2nd South to deposit $50. On the way home I dropped by Lineages office and picked up two more projects to do.
            I spent the rest of the day straightening up the apartment and baking cookies for the AIDS Quilt Meeting tonight.  In the meanwhile Eric Christensen dropped by and treated me to dinner at Wendy’s. That was kind of him as I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve had eaten fast food. 
Eric stayed for the Quilt Meeting and also in attendance were Denny McCafferty, Chuck Whyte, Ben Barr, Bruce Harmon, and Rev. Bruce Barton. We were the only ones tonight here tonight.  We had a short meeting and wrote up our by-laws for our tax exempt status.
Then we all went up the street to the Governor’s Mansion for a candle Light Vigil. More than 50 people held candles outside the gates of the Governor Mansion  to protest AIDS Bill SB 113 and HB 220.  Prayers by Rev. Bruce were offered that  Gov. Bangerter would veto the two AIDS Bills which would require mandatory AIDS testing.
Rev. Bruce Barton had also brought my Utah AIDS Quilt panel which was displayed at the candlelight vigil memorializing Michael Spence also known as Tracy Ross. David Sharpton helped me hold the edges and I think it was a powerful symbol of why we are here.  
We were there singing hymns, and invoking prayers that the governor would veto the bills.  The lighted candles were a peaceful way of showing our opposition to the oppression of the Gay and AIDS communities.

15 March 1988 Tuesday-
It snowed like a blizzard this morning but afterwards I went up to work doing research in the genealogical library before come back home to get ready for Unconditional Support.
While getting ready for Unconditional Support, Steve Brackenbury called to say he was sorry for not following through on his commitment to the fundraiser at Backstreet.  Well it’s forgotten.  Then Randy Olson dropped by the apartment. He said he had had a lunch date with Michael Buck and he also paid me $20 for Unconditional support’s share of the cost of the dance.
At Unconditional Support it was a smaller group tonight probably due to the snow blizzard we had this morning. Jim Hunsaker led the meeting and we discussed the topic of Male Couples
After the meeting we all went to the Regency Theater on 21st South and Foothill to see John Waters’ Hair Spray. It was Devine’s last movie. About 15 people from the community was there to see the movie. I heard from Curtis Jensen that Daniel Humphreys who writes for the Triangle Community Digest was the last  person to interview “Devine” right before he died.
Tomorrow I have a date with Jeff Wood and while I am anxiously looking forward to it, I am now kind of melancholy over Billy Bikowski. Whenever I begin to feel sorry for him I begin to soften my heart towards him and that is not good for me. I don’t want to see or hear from Billy until he’s ready to make some sort of commitment to me and if not,, then I will just go on with my life.
It’s been a whole month since I had my last paycheck from Utah Title but God is taking care of me so far and in him I trust everything.
Governor Norman Bangerter did the right thing and vetoed SB 113 and HB 220. The fight now is to keep them dead.

 16 March 1988 Wednesday.
Jeff Wood came over for dinner at 7 this evening and I made homemade baked macaroni and cheese and I served some wine. It was a nice evening getting to know him better. I am so attracted to him but I’m not sure how he feels about me. We only got to talk until 8:30 when people started coming over for the Beyond Stonewall planning meeting.
Richard Rodriguez and Ben Barr attended to discuss AIDS workshops they wanted to hold at the retreat. None of the Lesbians I had talked too about doing workshops at the retreat followed through so I am not going to push the issue of making sure the retreat is a non separatist event since I seem to be the only one wanting women at the retreat.  Eric Christensen agreed to do an ad for the Triangle.
After the meeting Jeff stayed about one and a half hours more and we talked about his life in California. I tried kissing him once but he wasn’t very responsive. Perhaps he’s shy but his response makes me wonder if I stand a chance with him.

17 March 1988 Thursday
I spent all day at the LDS  genealogy library doing research for Lineages. I finally paid my March rent today and they have been good working with ne but I also have lived here since 1986 and always paid on time before. I still haven’t received my unemployment check. I hope I will soon as I am out on money to pay for food, gas, and my phone and light bill.

18 March 1988 Friday-
 Jeff Wood left a message on my answering machine so I called him back when I came home from the researching at the library for Lineages. He asked me out to the show. When I called him back we decided to go to an early movie. I was so excited.
            Then John Reeves and I spent the entire afternoon together putting together workshops and drafting an agenda for the YMCA Camp retreat. However I am really concerned that the people at the YMCA should understand that we are a Gay group so we don’t get any surprises.  John Reeves hadn’t mention that fact to them when we rented the camp for the weekend.
When I was talking to Rev. Rev. Bruce Barton a couple of days ago he got me so nervous saying that once the Y knows that we are a Gay group they will pull out and we will be left with a black eye in the community.  He said that several years ago the Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church  tried renting the camp and they refused to rent to them.
Anyway, Jeff and I went to see Hairspray again, and I still loved it having lived through that time frame of civil rights unrest. I was walking on air being with Jeff.
He had to return home after the movie to be with his brother who had just gotten in from New York but later in the evening we talked on the phone for about 2 hours. It’s so easy to talk to him and I thinking I am falling in love. “Falling In Love Again. Never Wanted to… What am I to do….I can’t Help It”

19 March 1988 Saturday-
Eric Christensen dropped off our Beyond Stonewall ad this morning and he did a super job of drawing a handsome man in front of a brick wall with our Beyond Stonewall logo he designed. I ran the ad up to the U of U where Satu Servigna and Ralph Goff were inputting the magazine. I ended up staying and helping them set up the columns for the magazine until 3:30. Satu said that the Triangle has an exclusive last interview with Devine. Daniel Humphreys was in LA and interviewed him 10 days before he died. He  wrote “When I interviewed Devine just hours before his death he showed the ambition, drive, and defiance that got him where he was, and may have helped lead to his untimely death at 42.”
            Anyway I left to go to the LDS Genealogy Library to do some research before they closed. At home I called John  Reeves and asked if he wanted to go to the show. He did so we went to see “Hope and Glory” at the dollar theaters in West Valley Mall after 9 tonight. I really liked it and also the chance to tell John all about Jeff Wood.

20 March 1988 Sunday
Well another one of my bubbles got burst today. When Jeff Wood came home with me from attending Affirmation, I tried snuggling with him and he said that he only wanted to be friends.
            Anyway that was the end of what had been a rather nice first day of spring which is also Mom and Dad’s 42nd anniversary.  Ken Francis had called me at noon and wanted me to go to Liberty Park with him because it was so nice out and it being 70 degrees.
            We laid out on the grass and I got a little sun burned but still it was a nice day out and seeing boys playing volleyball.
            Jeff Wood had called me this morning and I invited him to attend Affirmation with me and to come over for dinner next Wednesday but now I don’t want to see him again. I don’t want to be his friend. I am really getting sick of falling for someone and they then say they just want to be my friend. I don’t need more friends. I need a lover.

21 March 1988 Monday-
I spent much of the day writing up a report for lineages so I can turn it in tomorrow. At 6 this evening I hosted another AIDS Quilt meeting and we filled out the forms for the IRS tax exempt status. Only Rocky O’Donovan, Bruce Harmon, Ben Barr, and I showed up for the meeting. We are pissed to learn that AIDS Project Utah used our name in an AIDS grant they applied for without consulting us first. 
After the meeting I went to the Lesbian and Gay Student Union  with Eric Christensen where there was a dismal showing but then of course school is out for Spring break now. So Eric and I didn’t stay but instead drove down to Memory Grove where we walked some of the trails along City Creek for exercise. It’s so cruisy and we saw Greg Hardin and Ken Francis cars there.
When I came home I made some Chili Verde for supper. I think my hay fever is starting to act up.

22 March 1988-Tuesday-
Ken Francis taught the lesson tonight at Unconditional Support on “What are we Proud about in the Gay Community”.  After the meeting we went to Dee’s for coffee and there were probably close to 40 people there between Unconditional Support and The Salt Lake Men’s Choir. I hear that the Lesbian owners of Your Place or Mine will be opening a restaurant at Beau Chaine’s old Aardvark CafĂ©.  I hope it will be a success.
            What is going on in my life? Not much. It’s spring time and with it comes my hay fever.

23 March 1988 Wednesday
            I had to go down to Job Service this morning to attend a four hour interviewing skill seminar. It was mandatory. I saw fellow former Utah Title employees, Ron Hanson, Cindy Bork, and others there also, We all sat together and commiserated about how Utah Title did us wrong. This Friday there is a bankruptcy court proceeding for Utah Title that I may attend.
            After the seminar, I went to the LDS genealogy Library to do some more research for the rest of the evening.
            James Conrad has come over a few times this past week to talk about his break up with Frank Fatah and while I am glad to be his listening post, in a way it hurts me because it floods me with emotion about Billy Bikowski’s unrequited love.

24 March 1988- Thursday
I was at the LDS Genealogy Library for most of the day doing research. I hope I don’t burn out on this job as I really do like it mostly  and I think I am getting the hang of it. But it is really mentally fatiguing.
            I stayed home this evening watching the Cosby Show and Night Court on TV while writing up my reports.
            What is happening around me? I heard Jim Hunsaker is looking for a new roommate since Graham Bell will be leaving the state in May. Lyle Bradley has his condo up for sale and is moving to Japan in June. Randy Olson hasn’t been to Unconditional Support for a while I wonder what is going on there.
            Time changes everything I suppose. I have grown very close to John reeves and I would have to say now that he’s my best friend. I don’t know  what is going on with Michael Anderson at all when we used to be sisters.  He doesn’t come out anymore nor calls me just to visit.  I guess maybe I should get on the horn and start rebuilding relationships. Or perhaps it’s just out with the old and in with the new. I just don’t know.

25 March 1988 Friday
 John Reeves and I went to the YMCA this afternoon to sign the contract for the Beyond Stonewall retreat. We were both extremely nervous and afraid that once they saw the word Gay all over our agenda it would be all over and they would  throw us out on our ears. But they didn’t say a word to us about it being a Gay retreat so they can’t say they didn’t know now that we are a Gay group. They must need the money.
So the fears that Rev. Bruce Barton rested on my heart is finally put to rest. Yay! What a burden has been lifted.  John Reeves has done a superb job at planning this event and if the retreat is successful it can be laid at his feet.
In the evening John and I went to the show and saw “Batteries Not Included” again at the dollar movies in West Valley. It was cute but mindless and predictable.  We saw Ken Francis and Eddie Muldong there too.
I am kind of nervous about the community dance tomorrow and hope it will be successful and not another bust. The community needs these kind of dances to build community outside of the bars especially for young people.

26 March 1988 Saturday-
John Reeves and I went over to the Central City Community Center to set up the dance this evening that the Lesbian and Gay Student Union, Wasatch Affirmation, the Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church  and Unconditional Support is sponsoring.  The dance lasted from eight to midnight and I think it was a great success. 
            Dave Malmstrom sat with me the entire and took money. The dance was $3.00 per person and we made $224. The Youth Group, Affirmation, Unconditional Support, and The Provo Men’s Group all came out in full support however the Lesbian and Gay Student Union  was very lacking in representation and support. None of the leadership attended.  Maybe they were all out of school
Anyway There were a lot of people at the dance I had never seen before which means they must have read about it in The Triangle which was great or by word of mouth.
Dave Malmstrom and I agreed to lend our share of the profit from this dance to help the Community Council finance bringing Romanovski and Phillips to town.  Bruce Harmon needs $215 to rent Bryant Intermediate School for the concert so this money will help go towards that.

27 March 1988 Sunday-
I haven’t heard from Becky Moss for almost all of  this month about what she wants to do about Concerning Gays and Lesbians. I can’t engineer the show so if I don’t hear from her I guess I’ll have to let this project go. I will kind of miss doing it.
            John Reeves had me over to his place off of Redwood Road and 215 Freeway to help him cook a lasagna dinner. Afterwards I went to Wasatch Affirmation and it wasn’t too thrilling so I went home to get things ready to do LDS genealogy tomorrow.
            I want to talk to Chris Brown when he gets back to Salt Lake to see whether he thinks that the Lesbian and Gay Student Union is viable to participate in these community dances.

28 March 1988 Monday
There wasn’t any AIDS Quilt Meeting this evening thank goodness> I just have terrible hay fever and am so miserable being clogged up and itchy eyes. I Just can’t face another miserable spring of not being able to breathe and constantly blowing my nose.

29 March 1988 Tuesday-
Unconditional Support was good tonight I think. We had a frank discussion about the bath houses and their being a sub culture of the Gay Men’s Culture. Only about 3 people at the meeting said that they had never been to a bath house.  At first there were a lot of negative comments said about the bath houses, even by people who frequented them, but by the end of the meeting we were able to be more objective and pointed out some positive aspects of them.

30 March 1988 Wednesday
I worked on LDS genealogy all day and blew my nose until it was raw.

31 March 1988 Thursday
Today would have been my Grandma Williams; 86th birthday had she not died in 1979. When I came home from the LDS Genealogy library, I had a phone call from Jeff Wood who asked me to go to a show. I am over being disappointed in him so I said sure. We went to the dollar theater at the West Valley Mall and saw “The Serpent and Rainbow” which was about zombies and voodoo in Haiti. It was pretty intense.
            What does Jeff want from me?

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